Thornton Assistance Funds
Committee Application
9500 Civic Center Drive, Thornton, CO 80229 303-538-7230
Thornton Assistance Funds Committee
The Thornton Assistance Funds (TAF) Committee is an advisory committee that reviews the grant applications from
nonprofit organizations that serve the basic needs of Thornton residents and promote self-sufficiency. The committee
provides a recommendation to City Council on which applications to fund and the level of funding.
Committee Representatives
Each year Council appoints five to seven members to serve on the committee. All members must be residents of
Thornton. One member is appointed by the Mayor, each of the four wards must be represented by a member,
one member must have financial expertise, and one member must have human services/nonprofit expertise.
Members may not be associated with any organization that is applying for funds. Committee terms are for one
year; however, the time commitment is for four months out of the year.
Time Commitments
This committee has a four month time commitment that will start in February. The committee meets once a week
starting in February through March, with additional time at home to review applications. In addition, there are
presentations to City Council in April and/or May.
Name of Applicant (First, Middle, Last (include Sr., Jr., etc.) Ward No.
Home Address (include City, State ZIP+4)
Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number:
1. Do you have relatives presently working for the City of Thornton? Yes No If yes, please list.
Tell us briefly about the specific talents, expertise, experience, civic activities, and/or volunteer service you would bring to
committee if appointed. Please also list any previous boards, task forces, committees, or commissions you have served on.
Do you have professional experience with financial records, reports, or processes? If so, explain including any degrees,
licenses, and/or certifications and work experience.
Do you have professional experience with social/human services or nonprofit management? If so, explain including any
degrees, licenses, and/or certifications and work experience.
Thornton Assistance Funds
Committee Application
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5. Committee members may not work for, volunteer for, or serve on any board, or benefit from any organization,
that is applying for funds. If you are involved with any nonprofit organizations that provide food, housing, medical
services, or human services to Thornton residents, please list those organizations and tell us how you are
involved with them.
Current Employer:
Address of Employer:
Please read the following, then type your name and date in the signature block below, and
electronically, using the “Submit by Email” button in order to complete the committee application.
I certify that the facts and statements contained in this committee application are true and correct. I further
understand that false statements shall be sufficient cause for rejection of this application or for grounds to apply
the penalty provisions of the Code of Ethics.
I understand that falsification, omission or misrepresentation will result in a rejection of this application. Any
falsification, omission or misrepresentation is evidence of perjury in the second degree.
Your typed name here Date
constitutes your signature.
Submit by emailSubmit by email