OMB Control Number – 1218-0
Expiration Date XXXX
OSHA Training Institute Education Centers Program
OSHA Trainer Course
Read instructions on pages 6-8 before completing this form.
OSHA 4-50.13
Page 7 of 8
Submit completed forms to: Address will be provided by the OTI Education Center and used to note approval or disapproval of applicant.
Item 1 Applicant Name
Provide full legal name.
Item 2 Title
Provide current job title. If currently not
working, leave field blank.
Item 3 Company
Provide current employer. If currently not
working, leave this field blank.
Item 4 E-Mail
Provide current e-mail address.
Item 5 Applicant Mailing Address
Provide current mailing address, phone and
fax number.
Item 6 Course
Check the box indicating which course you
are interested in attending.
Item 7 Course Dates
List dates during which you wish to take the
course from the OTI Education Center’s
course schedule. If unsure, leave this field
Item 8 Course Location
List the location of the specific course in
which you would like to enroll. If unsure,
leave this field blank.
Item 9 Prerequisite Course
Check the box which corresponds to the
applicable prerequisite OSHA course(s)
For the OSHA #500, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #510, or a
current OSHA #500 or OSHA #502.
For the OSHA #502, the prerequisite
course(s) are a current OSHA #500 or
OSHA #502.
For the OSHA #501, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #511, or a
current OSHA #501 or OSHA #503.
For the OSHA #503, the prerequisite
course(s) are a current OSHA #501 or
OSHA #503
For the OSHA #5400, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #5410, or a
current OSHA #5400 or OSHA #5402.
For the OSHA #5402, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #5400 or
OSHA #5402.
For the OSHA #5600, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #5600,
OSHA #500, or OSHA #501.
For the OSHA #5602, the prerequisite
course(s) are the OSHA #5600 or
OSHA #5602.
Item 10 Employer Name and Job Title
Provide job title and current employer name.
Item 11 Contact Person
Provide name of supervisor or Human
Resources at this employer who can verify
employment and role for this employee.
Item12 Contact Person’s Phone Number
Provide current contact phone number for
person identified in Item 11.
Item 13 Contact Person’s Email Address
Provide valid email address for person
identified in Item 11.
Item 14 Employer Address
Provide current mailing address for
Item 15 Start Date of Employment
Provide start date with this employer.
Item 16 End Date of Employment
Provide end date with this employer. If this is
current employer, write “present”.
Item 17 What Percentage of this Position is Safety
Indicate the percentage of time devoted to
safety-related tasks in this position.
Item 18 Describe Safety Activities in this Position
List safety-related tasks performed on the
job, including the responsibility for the
safety of others.
Indicate the percentage of time devoted to
each area listed below.
Note: Related experience must be detailed since this
document is a record of safety experience and will be
used to determine whether eligibility requirements
have been met.