Instructions for completing Commitment to Subcontract to DBE form DT1506:
In accordance with DBE Regulation (49 CFR part 26), WisDOT tracks assigned goal attainment (DBE Conscious) and
voluntary utilization of DBE firms (DBE Neutral). DBE participation reported on this form will be used to periodically adjust
(DBE Conscious and DBE Neutral) components of WisDOT's overall annual DBE goal.
1. Complete all of the fields in the top portion of the form. The “DBE Goal Achieved” field will auto-populate
2. Enter the name of each DBE firm used in the commitment for this proposal in Column 1
3. Enter the type of work or items to be subcontracted or supplies purchased in Column 2
4. Enter Y for “yes” or N for “no” in Column 3 indicating if the DBE is a Supplier
5. Enter the number of DBE-Owned (O) and DBE-Owned-Leased (L) trucks in Column 4 for DBE trucking firm listed in
Column 1
6. Fill in the full amount of the DBE subcontract in column 5
7. Fill in the amount of the DBE subcontract that is eligible for DBE credit in Column 6 *DO NOT ENTER
Credit for Supplies
The department will give 100% credit toward the DBE goal if the DBE is a manufacturer or fabricator of their materials or
supplies. The department will give 60% credit or brokerage fee set by industry’s standard toward the DBE goal if the DBE
is only a supplier of these materials or supplies. Drop shipment by a supplier will earn a 10% DBE credit. It is the Prime
Contractor’s responsibility to use the UCP Directory to confirm that the DBE is considered a supplier or a manufacturer
before listing them on this form. WisDOT will adjust the credit, if required, when approving the form.
After completing the form, if it does not indicate that the DBE goal has been met, complete and submit Documentation of
Good Faith Efforts form (DT1202) with the bid. Supplemental GFE documentation must be submitted as described in
Credit for Trucking
DBE crediting for the trucking industry is achieved in the following manner:
a. A minimum of one truck owned by the DBE must be used on the contract
b. 100% DBE credit is given for DBE-owned trucks and trucks leased from another DBE
c. Trucks leased by a DBE from non-DBE firms will be given DBE credit of 10% of the subcontract value
All trucks used for credit must be listed and approved on the DBE firm’s Schedule of Owned/Leased Vehicles for DBE
Credit and/or a WisDOT approved trucking utilization plan
It is the Prime Contractor’s and the DBE firm’s responsibility to ensure that utilization of trucks and the DBE credit earned
is in accordance with the above and will yield the subcontract dollar value listed on the Commitment to Subcontract to
DBE form.
Instructions for completing Attachment A form:
Section 26.53 (49 CFR part 26) requires written confirmation of participation from each DBE firm to be used on the
contract. Submit one copy of a completed Attachment A, Confirmation of Participation form, for each DBE firm to be used
on this contract. Each form must be signed by the Prime Contractor and the DBE firm specified on the form.
1. Complete all fields at the top of the form
2. Enter the total amount of the Subcontract Value AND the total amount of DBE Credit Value. These numbers may be
the same but pay special attention to supplies and trucking
3. For Prime Contractors Only: Complete all fields in this section and sign the form
4. For Participating DBE Firms Only: Complete all fields in this section and sign the form
5. For DBE trucking firms: Enter the number of trucks owned and leased as indicated in the table. These entries must
match with the information provided by your firm in the Schedule of Owned and Leased Trucks:
*In the case that you do not have a signed Attachment A from a DBE at the time of bid, submit that DBE’s quote with the
bid and submit the signed Attachment A by 11:00 AM on the Wednesday following bid letting to: DBE_Alert@dot.wi.gov.
Identify: Proposal #, Let date, Prime Name, Attachment A on the subject line of the email.
If you have questions about filling out these forms, please contact OBOEC at (608) 267-3849.