Name (please print): Date of birth: Year Month Day
Address: Street & Number
City Province Postal Code
Telephone Number (including area code): ( )
Patient’s Signature Date
Year Month Day
Site of the tumor:
Type of tumor:
Histology and staging:
Year Month Day
If yes, please specify diagnosis and dates of treatment.
Describe current symptoms:
Year Month Day
Current Height: Current Weight: Weight loss/gain to date:
Year Month Day
Year Month Day
Year Month Day
If other, please specify
Date of cancer diagnosis:
Date symptoms first appeared:
First visit for these symptoms:
In your opinion, when did the patient’s condition first prevent him/her from working?
Date of first visit:
Date of latest visit:
This document contains both information and form fields. To read information, use the Down Arrow from a form field. 1-855-755-6729
© The Canada Life Assurance Company, all rights reserved. Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company.
Any modification of this document without the express written consent of Canada Life is strictly prohibited.
Cancer Form
1. Please PRINT.
2. Part 1 to be completed by patient.
3. Part 2 to be completed by physician.
4. Any charge for completion of this form is the patient’s responsibility.
Part 1: Patient Authorization
I authorize my healthcare or rehabilitation provider to disclose my personal information, including my medical and health information and
including consultation reports, to Canada Life for the purpose of investigating and assessing my claim(s), administering coverage(s) that I may
have with Canada Life and administering the group benefits plan. Medical and health information excludes genetic test results.
I acknowledge that the personal information is needed by Canada Life for the purposes stated above. I acknowledge that my consent enables
Canada Life to process my claim(s) and refusing to consent may result in delay or denial of my claim(s).
This consent may be revoked by me at any time by sending a written instruction.
I confirm that a photocopy or electronic copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.
Part 2: Attending Physician’s Statement
1. Diagnosis (including any complications). Please attach a copy of all consultation, operative and pathology reports.
Do not provide genetic test results.
2. History
Has patient ever had the same or similar condition?
Yes No
5. Treatment
Frequency of visits:
Weekly Monthly Other
Treatment: Include information on all treatments to date and future treatment plan, inclusive of:
Part 1: Patient Authorization
Part 2: Attending Physician’s Statement
Year Month Day
Year Month Day
Year Month Day
Name of hospital:
Describe all comorbid conditions:
Describe any “post therapy”sequelae:
Year Month Day
Year Month Day
Please provide the names of other physicians who have been/will be involved in assessing the medical problems; and copies
of any available consultation reports.
We would appreciate any additional comments that would help us to better understand your patient and their condition.
Attending Physician (please print) Certified Specialty Physician’s Stamp
Address (Street, City, Province, Postal Code)
Telephone # (+ Area Code) Fax # (+ Area Code)
Email Address
Signature Date Signed (dd/mm/yyyy) • 1-855-755-6729
© The Canada Life Assurance Company, all rights reserved. Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company.
Any modification of this document without the express written consent of Canada Life is strictly prohibited.
Date of in-patient admission:
Date of discharge:
Date of out-patient treatment:
In your opinion, what is the earliest date your patient will be able to return to work?
If the previous job could be modified, when could rehabilitation employment commence?
6. Hospitalization (if applicable for this illness or injury)
7. Describe response to therapies to date:
N/A partial Complete
8. Is the condition due to injury or sickness arising out of the patient’s employment? Yes No
If yes, has your office filed a claim for this condition with the Workers’ Compensation Board on behalf of your patient? Yes No
9. Please indicate your patient’s current physical abilities:
Sedentary Duties: require mainly sitting, occasional wa lking and standing, and possible lifting of 5 kg or less.
Light Duties: require frequent handling of loads of up to 5 kg, sometimes up to 11 kg, may require frequent walking
or standing, or sitting with a degree of pushing and pulling of arm and/or leg controls.
Medium Duties: require frequent handling of loads up to 11 kg, sometimes up to 23 kg. Frequent lifting, carrying, pushing
and pulling may also be required.
Heavy Duties: require frequent handling of loads up to 23 kg, sometimes up to 45 kg.
Notice to Physician
The information in this statement will be kept in a life, health, or disability benefits file with the insurer or plan administrator and might be accessible
by the patient or third parties to whom access has been granted or those authorized by law. By providing the information I consent to such unedited
release of any information contained herein.
Notice to Physician