Course Selections for AA degree:
Updated 6/20 SMK
II.B Social and Behavioral Sciences……9 sem hrs
Select courses from at least two disciplines.
(Courses in bold identify Non-Western (N) or Diversity (D) options.)
Anthropology: ANT 100 (N)-, 101 (N), 102, 110
Economics: ECN 100, 110-, 201, 202
Geography: GEO 120 (N), 220 (N), 230 (N)-, 235 (N)
History**: HIS 101 (N), 102 (N), 121, 122, 205 (N), 215 (N),
225 (N), 235 (N)
Political Science: PSC 100, 220, 240, 260
Psychology: PSY 100, 205, 215, 220, 226, 235
Sociology: SOC 100, 120 (D), 130, 210, 230 (D)
II.C. Physical and Life Sciences……7 sem hrs
Select at least one course from Physical Sciences and one course
from Life Sciences. Select at least one lab course.
Physical Sciences
Astronomy: AST 100, 105 (4-L)
Chemistry: CHM 100, 101 (1-L), 102, 103 (1-L), 106 (4-L)-, 121
Earth Science: ESC 100, 101 (1-L), 110, 120 (4-L), 125, 130
Geography: GEO 121 (4-L)
Geology: GLG 100, 101 (1-L), 102 (4-L), 103, 120
Physics: PHY 103, 104 (1-L), 111 (4-L), 221 (5-L)
Life Sciences
Biology: BIO 100, 101 (1-L), 102, 103 (1-L), 110, 111 (1-L), 120
(4-L), 122 (4-L)
II.D. Mathematics……3 sem hrs
Mathematics: MTH 101, 102, 107, 131 (4), 132 (4), 202, 210,
211(4), 233 (4)
II.E. Humanities and Fine Arts……9 sem hrs
Select at least one course from Humanities and one course from Fine
Arts. Courses in bold identify Non-Western (N) or Diversity (D)
English: ENG 211, 212, 215, 220 (D), 221, 222, 225, 226, 228,
229, 230, 235, 240, 245, 255 (D), 265 (D)
Film Studies***: FLM 270
French: FRE 202
German: GER 202
History**: HIS 111, 112, 125
Humanities***: HUM 101, 102 (N), 112, 201, 202
Philosophy: PHL 100, 101, 105, 110, 120 (N), 201, 202, 220-,
230-, 240-
Religion: RLG 120 (N)
Spanish: SPN 202, 205, 215
Fine Arts
Art: ART 100, 101, 102, 103(N), 104, 105(D), 106
Film Studies: FLM 250, 260, 270***
Humanities***: HUM 101, 102 (N), 201
Music: MUS 100, 101 (N), 102
Theatre: THE 100, 130 (D)
III.A. Social Awareness/Personal Growth………...2-3 hrs
College Success Topics: COL 100 (2), 101 (2), 102 (1),
105 (2), 110, 131 (1)
Disability Studies: DIS 101, 110
Foreign Language/Sign Language:
CHN 101, 102; FRE 101, 102, 201, 202; GER 101, 102, 201, 202;
JPN 101, 102; SGN 101, 102; SPN 101, 102, 110-, 201, 202, 205,
Health Education: HED 100
Kinesiology/Physical Education: activity courses:
KPE 108 - 146 (0.5-1)
Music Ensembles: MUS 160 (1), 161 (1), 164 (1), 166 (1), 170 (1),
171 (1), 176 (1.5), 266 (1)
Peace Studies: IDS 210, 220
Sustainability: SUS 101
III.B. Non-Western or Diversity
One course satisfying degree requirements must have a non-
Western or diversity emphasis. These courses are highlighted in
bold in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (item II.B.) and
Humanities and Fine Arts (item II.E.). This is not an additional
credit hour requirement.
Students should consult with a counselor to determine foreign
language requirements at the four-year school to which you
intend to transfer. Bachelor of Arts degrees typically require a
foreign language for graduation.
* Under IAI review
** No more than two history courses can be used to fulfill
general education requirements.
***Interdisciplinary humanities courses that encompass both
humanities and fine arts may be used for either humanities or
fine arts credits.
-Course no longer offered, but can be used to meet degree
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