Instructions for HEAT/WATER Application:
This application must be completely filled out, signed, and dated. Copies of all the following
documents must be included or your application cannot be processed.
1. Household Verifications:
• Copy of a picture identification for primary applicant
• Copies of Social Security cards for EVERYONE in the home, including children
• Copies of U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents showing legal
status in the U.S. for any non-citizens
2. Income and Income Deductions Verifications:
• Copies of proof of all income received in the previous month by all household members
(check stubs, Social Security statements, retirement benefits, child support, alimony, etc.)
• If the household includes adults with no income, or if income is less than living expenses,
include completed form 880 Household Income Deficit Statement (found at
• Proof of payment for any eligible medical expenses paid in the previous month
• Proof of any child support or alimony paid the previous month, if applicable
*Please note, if you are mailing an application, the previous month is the month prior to the
month the application is postmarked.
3. Energy Burden Verifications:
• Copies of the applicant’s most recent utility and/or water bills.
• A copy of the applicant’s lease if the utilities are included in the rent, or the Landlord Statement
(form 1062H) completed and signed by landlord.
4. Target Groups Verifications (additional funding is available for applicants with household
members 60 or older, disabled, or under six):
• Driver’s license or other official documentation indicating age 60 or older
• Copy of the birth certificate for a child five years old or younger in the home
• Proof of a disability, if applicable
5. Additional Documentation may be required. Relevant third parties may be contacted to verify
information provided.
Remember to include a phone number where you can be reached
if we have questions or need other documents.
Send copies only, as originals will not be returned.
If the application is not filled out correctly or is lacking documentation, it will be denied.
If your utilities or water have been disconnected or are scheduled for disconnection within
48 hours, contact your local HEAT/WATER office for instructions.
Call 801-526-9920 or 1-866-205-4357 and select the option for the county you live in.