Student Business Services
863-874-8406 Room 1101A
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, Florida 33805-8531
Third-Party Tuition deferment Letter of Acknowledgment
Dear (Student),
Effective (term), University Bursar (UB) will process
a Third-Party Donor deferment to cover your tuition and related fee charges to be billed to your sponsor
based on documentation provided. Please note, we are unable to bill for other charges. After the first
term of sponsorship, UB will automatically bill the sponsor as long as you are registered for classes, a
current authorization document is on file, and the sponsor is not two terms delinquent in payments for
any student. All revised or new authorization documents must be presented to UB, prior to the tuition/fee
payment deadline for that applicable term. If documentation is received after the deadline date, a late
payment charge of $100 may be assessed and added to your debt.
It is your responsibility to know the school’s deadline dates for registration and deadline dates
for payments. If you register late, a late registration charge of $100 will be assessed and added to your
debt. Payment of late registration and late payment charges will be your responsibility. UB will not bill
the sponsor for these charges. Payment of your tuition is a joint responsibility. If your sponsor’s
payment becomes two terms delinquent, the balance of the tuition/fees will become your
responsibility, and your delinquent debt will be reported to a credit bureau and possibly sent
to a collection agency.
After the tuition/fee payment deadline of every term, UB will invoice your sponsor for payment.
Included on the invoice will be the following information:
Course Number
Number of hours
Other payments (i.e. waivers)
Course Cost
The Buckley Amendment (FERPA) protects the privacy of student’s records. The above
information is considered confidential; however, it is required by your sponsor.
By signing this document, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with sending the
confidential information to your sponsor and that you received a copy of our Third-Party Donor
Sponsorship Policy with this letter for your records.
Student Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit