Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Schedule: 5 days/week for 36 weeks
Instructions: This curriculum guide provides a full year of instruction using the materials on If you choose to use this method, you do not need to use the lesson plans that are
included with each separate course. This guide incorporates all the content and assignments needed to meet all the
objectives on the Scope and Sequence. As you will see, it incorporates material from multiple courses and resources
and is hyperlinked to each one so that you can find them easily. Lists of additional materials and resources are also
provided. Please note that this is only one way to address the objectives for the year. We encourage you to find a
combination of materials, both on and off of our site, that best fits your family.
Resources needed:
Corresponding lessons on
Journal for notetaking and research
Access to computer and printer
Large black and white map of the US
For Week 1: Ingredients for cornbread (Week 1 Day 5 Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans)
For Week 3: Supplies for the Dye-a-Shirt Project (Week 3, Day 5 Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans)
In addition, we have other resources that can be used as supplemental material from our site.
: in the World Book Library about Christopher Columbus
Great Leaders in History: 18-week course to learn about 400 years of history focused on several great
leaders and the times they lived in
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Week 1: The First Governor of Boston/Marquette
in Iowa
Week 2: William Penn and the Native Americans
Week 3: One Little Bag of Rice/The Story of a Wise
Week 4: Franklin, His Own Teacher
Week 5: How Franklin Found Out Things: The
Ants/How Franklin Found Out Things: The
Week 6: Franklin and the Kite/Franklin’s Whistle
Week 7: John Stark and the Indians
Week 8: A Great Good Man
Week 9: Putnam and the Wolf/Washington and
the Hatchet
Week 10: How Benny West Learned to Be a
Week 11: Washington’s Christmas Gift
Week 12: Washington’s Last Battle
Week 13: Marion’s Tower/Clark and His Men
Week 14: Daniel Boone and His Grapevine
Swing/Daniel Boone’s Daughter and Her Friends
Week 15: Decatur and the Pirates
Week 16: Stories about Jefferson
Week 17: A Long Journey/Captain Clark’s Burning
Week 18: Quicksilver Bob
Week 19: The First Steamboat
Week 20: Washington Irving as a Boy/Don’t Give
Up the Ship
Week 21: The Star-Spangled Banner
Week 22: How Audubon Came to Know About
Birds/Audubon in the Wild Woods/Hunting a Painter
Week 23: Some Boys Who Became Authors
Week 24: Daniel Webster and His Brother/Webster
and Poor Woman
Week 25: The India-Rubber Man
Week 26: Doctor Kane in the Frozen Sea/Dinner on the
Ice/Doctor Kane Gets Out of the Frozen Sea
Week 27: Longfellow as a Boy
Week 28: Kit Carson and the Bears
Week 29: Horace Greeley as a Boy/Horace Greeley
Learning to Print
Week 30: A Wonderful Woman/The Author of Little
Week 31: Antonio Alaminos/Fabian von
Bellingshausen/Pedro de Covilha/Neil
Armstrong/Semyon Dezhnev
Week 32: Edward John Eyre/Percy Harrison
Fawcett/John Smith/Marie Joseph Garnier/Sven Hedin
Week 33: John and Sebastian Cabot/Alejandro
Malaspina/Matthew Perry/Samuel de Champlain/Jakob
Le Maire
Week 34: Robert John McClure/Gustav
Nachtigal/Francisco de Orellana/Lewis and
Clark/Vincente Yanez Pinzon
Week 35: Pedrode Quiros/Jacob Roggeveen/Georg
August Schweinfurth/James Cook/Jacques-Yves
Week 36: Abel Janszoon Tasman/Ferdinand
Magellan/Francisco de Ulloa/George
Vancouver/Christopher Columbus
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 1: The First Governor of Boston/Marquette in Iowa
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and read the Introduction. This will help you to navigate the course.
Download and print Week 1.
Complete page 1.
Read The First Governor of Bostonon page 21.
Complete the Week 1: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook
when completed.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read The First Governor of Bostonagain.
Complete Week 1: Day 2 assignments on pp. 58.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Marquette in Iowaon pp. 2223.
Complete Week 1: Day 3 assignments on pp. 911.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Marquette in Iowaagain.
Complete Week 1: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1217.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 1: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1819.
Try making some cornbread.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 2: William Penn and the Native Americans
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 2.
Complete page 1.
ReadWilliam Penn and the Native Americans” on pp. 1920.
Complete Week 2: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–5. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read William Penn and the Native Americansagain.
Complete Week 2: Day 2 assignments on pp. 69.
Follow the directions for the activity.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 2: Day 3 assignments by working on your project.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 2: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1115.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 2: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1617.
Try the Artistic Genius assignment.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 3: One Little Bag of Rice/The Story of a Wise Woman
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 3.
Complete page 1.
ReadOne Little Bag of Rice” on pp. 2425.
Complete Week 3: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read One Little Bag of Riceagain.
Complete Week 3: Day 2 assignments on pp. 59.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Story of a Wise Woman” on page 26.
Complete Week 3: Day 3 assignments on pp. 1012.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Story of a Wise Womanagain.
Complete Week 3: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1318.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 3: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1922.
Complete the Dye-a-Shirt Fun.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 4: Franklin, His Own Teacher
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 4.
Check out any the additional resources listed for Weeks 46 at the library.
Complete page 2.
Read Franklin, His Own Teacher” on pp. 1718.
Complete Week 4: Day 1 assignments on pp. 3–5. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin, His Own Teacheragain.
Complete Week 4: Day 2 assignments on pp. 69.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin, His Own Teacheragain.
Complete Week 4: Day 3 assignments on pp. 1012.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin, His Own Teacheragain.
Complete Week 4: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1314.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 4: Day 5 assignments on page 15.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 5: How Franklin Found Out Things: The Ants/How Franklin Found Out Things: The Coffeepot
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 5.
Complete page 1.
Read How Franklin Found Out Things” on page 16 and the top of page 17.
Complete Week 5: Day 1 assignments on pp. 24. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Franklin Found Out Things” again.
Complete Week 5: Day 2 assignments on pp. 57.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Franklin Found Out Things” on page 17.
Complete Week 5: Day 3 assignments on pp. 810.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Franklin Found Out Things” page 17 again.
Complete Week 5: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1113.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 5: Day 5 assignments on page 14.
Act out what you learned following the directions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 6: Franklin and the Kite/Franklin’s Whistle
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 6.
Complete page 1.
Read Franklin and the Kiteon pp. 1920.
Complete Week 6: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin and the Kiteagain.
Complete Week 6: Day 2 assignments on pp. 58.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin’s Whistle” on pp. 2122.
Complete Week 6: Day 3 assignments on pp. 911.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Franklin’s Whistleagain.
Complete Week 6: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1214.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 6: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1517.
Complete the kite activity.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 7: John Stark and the Indians
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 7.
Complete page 1.
Read John Stark and the Indians” on pp. 1819.
Complete Week 7: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read John Stark and the Indiansagain.
Complete Week 7: Day 2 assignments on pp. 58.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 7: Day 3 assignments on pp. 912.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 7: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1316.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 7: Day 5 assignments on page 17.
Act out what you learned following the directions.
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 8: A Great Good Man
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 8.
Complete page 1.
Read A Great Good Man” on pp. 1517.
Complete Week 8: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read A Great Good Managain.
Complete Week 8: Day 2 assignments on pp. 57.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read A Great Good Managain.
Complete Week 8: Day 3 assignments on pp. 810.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read A Great Good Managain.
Complete Week 8: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1112.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 8: Day 5 assignments on page. 13
Act out what you learned following the directions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 9: Putnam and the Wolf/Washington and the Hatchet
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 9.
Complete page 1.
Read Putnam and the Wolf” on pp. 1819.
Complete Week 9: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–5 . Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Putnam and the Wolfagain.
Complete Week 9: Day 2 assignments on pp. 67.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington and the Hatcheton pp. 20-21.
Complete Week 9: Day 3 assignments on pp. 811.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington and the Hatchetagain.
Complete Week 9: Day 4 assignments on pp. 1215.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 9: Day 5 assignments on page 16.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 10: How Benny West Learned to Be a Painter
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 10.
Complete page 1.
Read How Benny West Learned to Be a Painteron pp. 1920.
Complete Week 10: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–6. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Benny West Learned to Be a Painteragain.
Complete Week 10: Day 2 assignments on pp. 79.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Benny West Learned to Be a Painteragain.
Complete Week 10: Day 3 assignments on pp. 10–13.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Benny West Learned to Be a Painteragain.
Complete Week 10: Day 4 assignments on pp. 14-15.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 10: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1617.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 11: Washingtons Christmas Gift
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 11.
Complete page 1.
Read Washington’s Christmas Gifton pp. 1213.
Complete Week 11: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington’s Christmas Giftagain.
Complete Week 11: Day 2 assignments on pp. 56.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington’s Christmas Giftagain.
Complete Week 11: Day 3 assignments on pp. 78.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington’s Christmas Giftagain.
Complete Week 11: Day 4 assignments on page 9.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 11: Day 5 assignments on page 10.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 12: Washington’s Last Battle
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 12.
Complete page 1.
Read How Washington Got Out of a Trapon pp. 1718.
Complete Week 12: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Washington Got Out of a Trapagain.
Cut out the templates on pp. 1516.
Complete Week 12: Day 2 assignments on pp. 5–6.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington’s Last Battleon pp. 19–20.
Complete Week 12: Day 3 assignments on pp. 78.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington’s Last Battleagain.
Complete Week 12: Day 4 assignments on pp. 911.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 12: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1214.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 13: Marion’s Tower/Clark and His Men
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 13.
Complete page 1.
Read Marion’s Toweron pp. 1617.
Complete Week 13: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Marion’s Toweragain.
Complete Week 13: Day 2 assignments on pp. 5–7.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Clark and His Menon pp. 1819.
Complete Week 13: Day 3 assignments on page 8.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Clark and His Menagain.
Complete Week 13: Day 4 assignments on pp. 912.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 13: Day 5 assignments on page 13.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 14: Daniel Boone and His Grapevine Swing/Daniel Boone’s Daughter and Her Friends
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 14.
Complete page 1.
Read Daniel Boone and His Grapevine Swingon pp. 15–16.
Complete Week 14: Day 1 assignments on page 2. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Daniel Boone and His Grapevine Swingagain.
Complete Week 14: Day 2 assignments on pp. 34.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Daniel Boone’s Daughter and Her Friendson pp. 1719.
Complete Week 14: Day 3 assignments on pp. 57.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Daniel Boone’s Daughter and Her Friendsagain.
Complete Week 14: Day 4 assignments on pp. 812.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 14: Day 5 assignments on page 13.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 15: Decatur and the Pirates
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 15.
Complete page 1.
Read Decatur and the Pirateson pp. 1415.
Complete Week 15: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Decatur and the Piratesagain.
Complete Week 15: Day 2 assignments on pp. 58.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Decatur and the Piratesagain.
Complete Week 15: Day 3 assignments on pp. 910.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Decatur and the Piratesagain.
Complete Week 15: Day 4 assignments on page 11.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 15: Day 5 assignments on page 12.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 16: Stories about Jefferson
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 16.
Complete page 1.
Read Stories about Jeffersonon pp. 1011.
Complete Week 16: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–3. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Stories about Jeffersonagain.
Complete Week 16: Day 2 assignments on pp. 45.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Stories about Jeffersonagain.
Complete Week 16: Day 3 assignments on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Stories about Jeffersonagain.
Complete Week 16: Day 4 assignments on page 7.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 16: Day 5 assignments on page 8.
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 17: A Long Journey/Captain Clark’s Burning Glass
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 17.
Complete page 1.
Read A Long Journeyon page 11.
Complete Week 17: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–3. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Captain Clark’s Burning Glasson pp. 12–13.
Complete Week 17: Day 2 assignments on pp. 45.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Captain Clark’s Burning Glassagain.
Complete Week 17: Day 3 assignments on pp. 67.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Captain Clark’s Burning Glassagain.
Complete Week 17: Day 4 assignments on page 8.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 17: Day 5 assignments on page 9.
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 18: Quicksilver Bob
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 18.
Complete page 1.
Read Quicksilver Bobon pp. 1314.
Complete Week 18: Day 1 assignments on pp. 24. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Quicksilver Bobagain.
Complete Week 18: Day 2 assignments on pp. 56.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Quicksilver Bobagain.
Complete Week 18: Day 3 assignments on pp. 78.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Quicksilver Bobagain.
Complete Week 18: Day 4 assignment on page 9.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 18: Day 5 assignments on pp. 1011.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 19: The First Steamboat
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 19.
Complete page 1.
Read The First Steamboaton page 11.
Complete Week 19: Day 1 assignments on page 2. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read The First Steamboatagain.
Complete Week 19: Day 2 assignments on pp. 35.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read The First Steamboatagain.
Complete Week 19: Day 3 assignments on pp. 67.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read The First Steamboatagain.
Complete Week 19: Day 4 assignment on page 8.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 19: Day 5 assignments on page 9.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 20: Washington Irving as a Boy/Don’t Give Up the Ship
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 20.
Complete page 1.
Read Washington Irving as a Boyon pp. 1112.
Complete Week 20: Day 1 assignments on pp. 23. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Washington Irving as a Boyagain.
Complete Week 20: Day 2 assignments on pp. 4–5.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Don’t Give Up the Shipon pp. 1314.
Complete Week 20: Day 3 assignments on pp. 6–7.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Don’t Give Up the Shipagain.
Complete Week 20: Day 4 assignment on page 8.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 20: Day 5 assignments on page 9.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 21: The Star-Spangled Banner
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 21.
Complete page 1.
Read The Star-Spangled Banneron pp. 1314.
Complete Week 21: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–3. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Star-Spangled Banneragain.
Complete Week 21: Day 2 assignments on pp. 45.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Star-Spangled Banneragain.
Complete Week 12: Day 3 assignments on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Star-Spangled Banneragain.
Complete Week 21: Day 4 assignments on pp. 78.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 21: Day 5 assignments on pp. 911.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 22: How Audubon Came to Know about Birds/Audubon in the Wild Woods/Hunting a
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 22.
Practice your vocabulary cards throughout the week.
Read How Audubon Came to Know about Birdson pp. 1011.
Complete Week 22: Day 1 assignments on page 2. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read How Audubon Came to Know About Birdsagain.
Complete Week 22: Day 2 assignments on pp. 34.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Audubon in the Wild Woodson page 12.
Complete Week 22: Day 3 assignments on pp. 56.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Hunting a Pantheron pp. 1314.
Complete Week 22: Day 4 assignments on page 7.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 22: Day 5 assignments on page 8.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 23: Some Boys Who Became Authors
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 23.
Complete page 1.
Read Some Boys Who Became Authorson pp. 911.
Complete Week 23: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Some Boys Who Became Authorsagain.
Complete Week 23: Day 2 assignments on page 5.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Some Boys Who Became Authorsagain.
Complete Week 23: Day 3 assignments on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Some Boys Who Became Authorsagain.
Complete Week 23: Day 4 assignments on page 7.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 23: Day 5 assignments on page 8.
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 24: Daniel Webster and His Brother/Webster and Poor Woman
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 24.
Complete page 1.
Read Daniel Webster and His Brotheron pp. 1213.
Complete Week 24: Day 1 assignments on pp. 24. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Daniel Webster and His Brotheragain.
Complete Week 24: Day 2 assignments on pp. 5–6.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Webster and the Poor Womanon page 14.
Complete Week 24: Day 3 assignments on pp. 78.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Webster and the Poor Womanagain.
Complete Week 24: Day 4 assignments on pp. 910.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 24: Day 5 assignments on page 11.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 25: The India-Rubber Man
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 25.
Complete page 1.
Read The India-Rubber Manon pp. 1112.
Complete Week 25: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–3. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read The India-Rubber Managain.
Complete Week 25: Day 2 assignments on pp. 45.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read The India-Rubber Managain.
Complete Week 25: Day 3 assignments on pp. 67.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read The India-Rubber Managain.
Complete Week 25: Day 4 assignments on pp. 89.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 25: Day 5 assignments on page 10.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 26: Doctor Kane in the Frozen Sea/A Dinner on the Ice/Doctor Kane Gets Out of the Frozen
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 26.
Read Doctor Kane in the Frozen Seaon pp. 910.
Complete Week 26: Day 1 assignments on pp. 1–2. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read A Dinner on the Iceon page 11.
Complete Week 26: Day 2 assignments on pp. 3–4.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Doctor Kane Gets Out of the Frozen Seaon pp. 1213.
Complete Week 26: Day 3 assignments on pp. 56.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Doctor Kane Gets Out of the Frozen Seaagain.
Complete Week 26: Day 4 assignments on page 7.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 26: Day 5 assignments on page 8.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 27: Longfellow as a Boy
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 27.
Complete page 1.
Read Longfellow as a Boyon page 12.
Complete Week 27: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Longfellow as a Boyagain.
Complete Week 27: Day 2 assignments on pp. 56.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Longfellow as a Boyagain.
Complete Week 27: Day 3 assignments on pp. 79.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Longfellow as a Boyagain.
Complete Week 27: Day 4 assignment on page 10.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 27: Day 5 assignments on page 11.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 28: Kit Carson and the Bears
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 28.
Read Kit Carson and the Bears” on pp. 78.
Complete Week 28: Day 1 assignments on pp. 12. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Kit Carson and the Bearsagain.
Complete Week 28: Day 2 assignments on page 3.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Kit Carson and the Bearsagain.
Complete Week 28: Day 3 assignments on page 4.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Kit Carson and the Bearsagain.
Complete Week 28: Day 4 assignments on page 5.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 28: Day 5 assignments on page 6.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 29: Horace Greeley as a Boy/Horace Greely Learning to Print
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 29.
Complete page 1.
Read “Horace Greeley as a Boyon pp. 1415.
Complete Week 29: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–3. Add to your notebook when
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read Horace Greeley as a Boyagain.
Complete Week 29: Day 2 assignments on page 4.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read Horace Greeley Learning to Printon pp. 1617.
Complete Week 29: Day 3 assignments on pp. 58.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read Horace Greeley Learning to Printagain.
Complete Week 29: Day 4 assignments on pp. 911.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 29: Day 5 assignments on page 12.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 30: A Wonderful Woman/The Author of Little Women
Read material and complete activities from the course Stories of Great Americans for Little
1 | Date: _________________________________
Download and print Week 30.
Complete page 1.
Read A Wonderful Womanon pp. 1213.
Complete the Week 30: Day 1 assignments on pp. 2–4. Add to your notebook
when completed.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read A Wonderful Womanagain.
Complete Week 30: Day 2 assignments on pp. 56.
y 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Author of Little Womenon pp. 1416.
Complete Week 30: Day 3 assignments on pp. 78.
y 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read The Author of Little Womenagain.
Complete Week 30: Day 4 assignments on pp. 910.
y 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete Week 30: Day 5 assignments on page 11.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 31: Antonio Alaminos/Fabian von Bellingshausen/Pedro da Covilha/Neil Armstrong/
Semyon Dezhnev
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
Note: At the end of the Bold Explorers course download, there are five
more explorers
not included in this curriculum guide. You may use any of those explorers to replace
ones listed or spend extra time learning about the additional explorers. With your
parent’s permission, continue to research any explorer you would like to learn more
ay 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download the “Bold Explorers” file from the Lessons page.
Read about Antonio Alaminos on page 4.
Chart the Gulf Stream on a map.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Fabian von Bellingshausen on page 4.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Pedro da Covilha on page 5.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Neil Armstrong on page 5.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Semyon Dezhnev on page 6.
Answer the discussion questions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 32: Edward John Eyre/Percy Harrison Fawcett/John Smith/Marie Joseph Garnier/Sven Hedin
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
ay 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Edward John Eyre on page 6.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Percy Harrison Fawcett on page 7.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read about John Smith on page 7.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Marie Joseph Garnier on page 8.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Sven Hedin on page 8.
Answer the discussion questions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 33: John and Sebastian Cabot/Alejandro Malaspina/Matthew Perry/Samuel de Champlain/
Jakob Le Maire
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
ay 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read about John and Sebastian Cabot on page 9.
Answer the discussion questions.
Write a journal entry that one of the men could have written that expresses
satisfaction over what he found.
Write a newspaper article a reporter could have written that expresses
issatisfaction over the results of the mission
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Alejandro Malaspina on page 9.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Matthew Perry on pp. 9–10.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Samuel de Champlain on page 10.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Jakob Le Maire on pp. 1011.
Answer the discussion questions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 34: Robert John McClure/Gustav Nachtigal/Francisco de Orellana/Lewis and Clark/Vincente
Yáñez Pinzon
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
ay 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Robert John McClure on page 11.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Gustav Nachtigal on pp. 1112.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Francisco de Orellana on page 12.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on pp. 1213.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Answer the discussion questions.
ay 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Vincente Yáñez Pinzón on page 13.
Answer the discussion questions.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 35: Pedrode Quiros/Jacob Roggeveen/Georg August Schweinfurth/James Cook/Jacques-
Yves Cousteau
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Pedrode Quirós on page 13.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Jacob Roggeveen on pp. 1314.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Georg August Schweinfurth on page 14.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about James Cook on pp. 1415.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Create timeline of Australian or New Zealand History from the 1700s (or earlier)
until today.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Jacques-Yves Cousteau on pp. 1516.
Answer the discussion questions.
Make a bird feeder using a large pinecone, peanut butter or soy nut butter, bird
seed, a butter knife, and yarn.
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Third Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Week 36: Abel Janszoon Tasman/Ferdinand Magellan/Francisco de Ulloa/George Vancouver/
Christopher Columbus
Read material and complete activities from the course Bold Explorers.
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Abel Janszoon Tasman on page 16.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read About Ferdinand Magellan on pp. 1617.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Francisco de Ulloa on page 17.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Read about George Vancouver on pp. 1718.
Answer the discussion questions.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Read about Christopher Columbus on page 18.
Follow the links in the text to learn more.
Answer the discussion questions.