Eastern Michigan University
Graduate School
License for Dissertation, Thesis, or Capstone Project Placement in EMU’s Institutional Repository
Student Name: Student ID: Email:
Document Type: Doctoral Dissertation Master’s Thesis Capstone Project
Document Title:
By agreeing to this license you (the author and copyright owner) grant to Eastern Michigan University
(EMU) the non- exclusive right to reproduce and distribute your submission in electronic format via the
World Wide Web.
EMU acknowledges that this is a non-exclusive license; any copyrights in the submission, including
subsequent uses of the material, remain with you, the author and copyright holder.
You represent that the submission covered by this license is your original work, and that you have the right
to grant this license to EMU.
You agree that EMU may make additional copies of this submission for purposes of security,
backup, and preservation.
You agree that EMU may migrate or convert your submission, without alteration of the content, to any
medium or format for the purpose of preservation and/or continued distribution.
You represent that the submission does not, to the best of you knowledge, infringe upon any third-party’s
copyright. If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you represent that you
have obtained any third party rights, if necessary.
You represent that you have fulfilled any right of review or other obligation required by contract or
agreement with the supporting entity if this submission is based upon work that has been sponsored or
supported by any agency or organization other than EMU.
EMU will attach a copyright statement to the work asserting your (the author’s) rights and giving
permission for users to read and distribute your work.
EMU will ensure that your name remains clearly associated with the submission and that no alterations of
the content are made.
You agree to the following thesis/dissertation/capstone availability option:
No restriction on availability to readers
Embargo of years (choose 1 through 10)*
*The embargo option requires the completion of the Dissertation/Thesis/Capstone Embargo Form.
I have conferred with my graduate faculty advisor. My signature below indicates that I have read and agree with the
above statements. My advisor’s signature indicates agreement to reproduce and distribute the work.
Student/Author Signature Faculty Advisor Signature
Printed Name: Printed Name:
Date: Date:
Please submit completed document to graduate_school@emich.edu or Graduate School, 200 Boone Hall,
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.
Eastern Michigan University
Graduate School
Dissertation/Thesis/Capstone Embargo Form
Complete this form only if you selected to embargo your work on the License for Dissertation,
Thesis, or Capstone Project Placement in EMU’s Institutional Repository.
Student Name: Student ID: Email:
Document Type: Doctoral Dissertation Master’s Thesis Capstone Project
Document Title:
You (the author/copyright holder),
your faculty advisor, or both may request that a submission be withheld
from Eastern Michigan University’s institutional repository for one to ten years as indicated on your
License for Dissertation, Thesis, or Capstone Project Placement in EMU’s Institutional Repository.
While your work is embargoed, the institutional repository (DigitalCommons@EMU) will include
information about your submission, including your name, the title of the work, the names of your
committee members, your abstract of the work, and the date the submission will be available for download.
You acknowledge that the work will be available for download by the public at the end of the embargo
period. If you want to extend the embargo of your work up to a total of ten years or cancel the embargo
earlier than indicated on your License for Dissertation, Thesis, or Capstone Project Placement in EMU’s
Institutional Repository, you will contact the curator of the institutional repository at lib-ir@emich.edu.
No embargo may be extended beyond the ten-year limit without the approval of the Associate Vice Provost
and Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research.
You acknowledge that EMU may extend an embargo with the approval of the Associate Vice Provost and
Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research to ensure that release of your work does not
preclude publications or applications for patents based on data or other information in your work. EMU
will make reasonable efforts to notify you of this extension of the embargo of your work.
You acknowledge the following reasons for withholding your work from publication after deposit:
The work is aligned with a contractual obligation related to a grant or sponsored research.
The wo
rk is/will be under consideration for publication.
The work includes a patentable invention.
Other (give reason):
Student/Author Signature
Printed Name: _
Faculty Advisor Signature
Printed Name: _
Please submit completed document to graduate_school@emich.edu or Graduate School, 200 Boone Halle, Eastern
Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.