Thesis Completion Timeline
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________
Student Name Student ID
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________
Student Major Student Email
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Thesis Adviser Name Department/Program
Working Title for Thesis Project
As indicated by the signatures below, the following timeline has been agreed upon by student and
adviser. Advisers should hold students accountable to these deadlines; students should communicate
with advisers regularly with questions or concerns. The Honors College is available to address any
questions or concerns regarding progress and/or support.
Items that should be included on the timeline: any work the advisor wishes the student to accomplish
in the summer; deadline for submission of IRB or IACUC application (if applicable); regular due
dates; required meetings. In making the timeline, please bear in mind that the final thesis must be
approved by both the thesis advisor and the chair of the major department before coming to the
Honors College for final approval. Please plan accordingly to meet the Honors College submission
deadlines (11/15 for December graduation; 4/15 for May graduation; 7/15 for August graduation).
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Semester Year # of thesis hours
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Semester Year # of thesis hours