New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife Atlantic
Menhaden Individual Transferable Shares
Application Form
The provisions to the Atlantic menhaden ITQ program for the commercial purse seine fishery can be found in
NJ Senate Bill S5432. To view detailed language of the Bill, please visit the web address below:
____ Temporary Transfer (One Time)
____ Permanent Transfer (Indefinite)
Menhaden Landing License #
Percentage of Original Share
Menhaden Landing License #
I certify that the information provided on this form is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, and made in good faith. I
understand that if any of the information reported here is willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
I certify that the information provided on this form is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, and made in good faith. I
understand that if any of the information reported here is willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
All properly licensed purse seine fishermen may transfer shares of their commercial Atlantic menhaden quota
by completing this form, and upon approval by the NJ Marine Fisheries Admistration. Please Allow 7-10
business days for processing.
If you have any questions, please contact the Bureau of Marine Fisheries at 609-748-2020.
New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer l Printed on Recycled Paper and Recyclable
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