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A. How Did You Hear About The Child Development Center:
For research purposes, we would like to know how you found out about the Child Development Center.
Please complete by marking the appropriate box in Part IV of the application.
B. Submitting An Application:
This application will only be accepted and processed when all *required documents are attached as listed below:
Current Verification of total household income:
TANF/CalWORKs Verification, Foster Care payments or
Employment Verification (2 or 4 consecutive weeks of check stubs, totaling 1 month's worth.)
Unemployment and / or Disability Verification;
Utility Bill (gas, water, trash, electricity bill, rental agreement) as proof of physical address.
Family Size: Verification for all children, under the age of 18, who are part of your household is required. (i.e. birth
certificate, hospital birth record, baptismal certificate).
Child's Immunization: Provide current immunization record for child/children being considered for enrollment to verify
that vaccines are incompliance with Los Angeles County Dept. of Health Services Child Care Entry Guidelines.
Current Class Print-out, Educational Plan, and Semester Final grades: If applicable, a current enrollment verification,
educational plan, and final grades will be required at the time of submitting the enrollment application to establish eligibility
priority for your child(ren) in the program and at the beginning of every semester to verify student status. (See "General
Requirements" section I.)
You will be required to submit original current income verification and/or additional information during the
enrollment process and anytime thereafter.
This Application is Contingent on State Funding for Our Program
Please Note: All Programs are Subject to Change Without Prior Notice
Each child is required to attend 5 days per week, 3.5 consecutive hours in the Morning or Afternoon
Programs; and 6.5 consecutive hours for the All Day Program.
Semester Session
Hours of Operation
Minimum Hours of Enrollment
All Day
2 - 5
8:00 am- 2:30 pm
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
* 3 - 5
7:45 am - 11:45 am
8:30 am- 11:30 am
Fall Semester
* 3 - 5
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
* Three-year-old will be accepted if there are no four-year-old on the eligibility list
Completing this application does not imply that your child has been accepted into the program
Submit application via e-mail to the Child Development Center at CDC@ELAC.EDU
beginning April 15, 2022 to establish eligibility for your child(ren) in the program