Both photos must be the same in all aspects - two prints from the same negative
- taking care they are not damaged by staples, pins, paperclips, folding or ink.
Photos are required for applicants.
• recent, less than 6 months old
• be a full front, close up view of the head and shoulders with the head covering
70% to 80% of the photograph
• be taken with a neutral expression (not laughing or frowning) with your mouth
closed. Show you looking straight at the camera, and your head not tilted. Show
your eyes open and clearly visible, and no hair in your eyes
• without sunglasses. Tinted prescription glasses may be worn as long as eyes are
still visible
• a true image and not altered in any way
• clear, sharp and in focus
• with a plain light coloured background (not white)
• be of good quality colour and on high quality paper, with no ink marks on the
image (no ink jet printers)
• 45mm x 35mm in size.
(Do not trim your photos)
• Businesses that specialise in taking passport size photos will
usually supply one with a preprinted label on the back. Contact the Citizenship
Ofcer if you require further information on photographic image requirements.
Surname or family name
Given or rst names
Date of Birth (day, month, year)
Surname or family name of applicant
Given or rst names of applicant
for years/months and can conrm their identity.
To act as a witness you must:
Signature of witness Date
Address: Street