FSA V 2019.1
RPCC Foundation Universal Scholarship Application – Page 2
List any extracurricular activities, club memberships, and leadership positions including high school,
college, volunteer, and community (use additional pages if necessary):
OPTIONAL SECTION you may complete only those sections that apply or none at all; failure to complete
any or all of the questions will not affect your eligibility for scholarships that are not directed to specific
Are you a Veteran? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes: Branch___________________ Service Dates________________Type Discharge__________
Are you currently employed and do you plan to remain employed during the scholarship/grant
semester/period? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes: hours/week?_________ Employer_____________________________________________
Did you attend the East Iberville INC Introduction to PTEC Program? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes: dates:_______________ did you complete the program?____________________________
Have you or a member of your immediate family been diagnosed with cancer? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes: explain how this has impacted your ability to further your education: ___________________
Do you have a disability? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes: explain how this has impacted your ability to further your education:
Please list any extenuating circumstances that might affect you and/or your family’s ability to help pay
for school (use additional pages if necessary):