The University of Texas at Tyler - Change of Minor
Questions regarding data collected may be directed to the Office of the Registrar. (HB 1922) 3/19/2020
NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
DATE: _______________________________________ STUDENT ID NUMBER: _______________________________
CURRENT MAJOR: ___________________________ CURRENT MINOR: ___________________________________
To declare a second minor, please write ‘Second’ in the open space.
If declaring a minor offered by another College, the signature of a College Advisor from that area must be obtained. College
codes are as follows: CAS = Arts and Sciences, SOULES = Soules College of Business, COE = Engineering, CEP =
Education and Psychology, CNHS = Nursing and Health Sciences
□ Human Resource Development (SOULES)
□ Industrial Technology (SOULES)
□ International Relations (CAS)
□ International Studies (CAS) **
□ Language and Technology (CAS)
□ Business Administration (SOULES)
□ Manufacturing Management (SOULES)
□ Communication Studies (CAS, Starts Fall 2020)
□ Computer Science (SOULES)
□ Mass Communication (CAS)
□ Construction Management (COE)
□ Curatorial Studies (CAS)
□ Political Science (CAS)
□ Entrepreneurship (SOULES)
□ Genomics and Bioinformatics (CAS)
□ Sports Communication (CAS)
□ Terrorism Studies (CAS)
□ Health Communication (CAS, Starts Fall 2020)
** Emphasis Area for International Studies: □ Europe □ Latin America □ 19
(Only College Advisors and University Advising Center Advisors may sign; Faculty Advisor signatures are not valid)
Student: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
International Counselor: __________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
(Required for all International students)
Athletics Advisor or Director of Compliance: _________________________________________ Date: ________________
(Required for all student athletes)
College Advisor for Major: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
College Advisor for Minor: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________
(If different from Major)
Return this form to the One-Stop Service Center (STE 230)
Office Use Only: Student Program/Plan Updated: ____________