Revised 5-1-2019
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grant for 2019-20120 Academic Year.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant program will benefit eligible North
Carolina A & T State University students who have the desire to serve as teachers. Recipients of the TEACH Grant must agree to
serve as a highly qualified full-time teacher in a high-need field in a low-income school for a minimum of four years. Please
check with your state that you intend to teach for the specific high-need field.
The information below lists the eligibility requirements. Please complete the below application if you meet the
requirements. All eligibility will be checked by the SFAO before the grant is awarded.
To be eligible, one must:
Complete a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) at
Be a US Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen.
Be enrolled at NCAT as a degree-seeking student and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Have taken the SAT/ACT/GRE test and passed with a score exceeding the 75
percentile on at least one
section or
Have a 3.25 cumulative GPA at NC A&T State University if a continuing student or
Have a final high school 3.25 non-weighted cumulative GPA if you are an entering freshman or
Have postsecondary 3.25 non-weighted cumulative GPA, if you are a transfer student or
Have a 3.25 cumulative GPA from undergraduate program of study, if you are a new graduate student.
Be in one of the eligible majors listed below:
Program of Study
Degree Program
Biology Education
History Education
Mathematics Education
Mathematics, Secondary
Elementary Education
Special Education
Child Dev: Early Ed & Fam Stu
Music Education
Rom Lang & Lit (French, Sec Ed)
Rom Lang & Lit (Span Sec Ed)
English Education
Sec Ed (Art Education)
Sec Ed (Biology Education)
Sec Ed (Chemistry Education)
Sec Ed (English Education)
Sec Ed (History Education)
Sec Ed (Mathematics Education)
Sec Ed (Music Education)
Sec Ed (Physics Education)
Program of Study
Degree Program
Teaching (Biology Ed)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (Chem Ed)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (Physical Education)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (Spec Education)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (Elem Education)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (History Education)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (English Education)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Teaching (Mathematics)
Master's in Art in Teaching
Reading Education
Master's in Art in Education
Revised 5-1-2019
Student Financial Aid Office
NC A&T State University
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27411
Phone: 336.334.7973 FAX: 336.334.7954
Teach Grant Application-2019-2020
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is awarded by North Carolina
A & T State University to students who are completing or intend to complete coursework toward a career in
teaching. Grant recipients must agree to serve for a minimum of four years as a full-time, highly qualified teacher in
a high-need field in a low-income school.
Recipients who do not provide four years of qualified teaching service within eight years of completing the course of
study for which the TEACH Grant was received, or fail to meet other program requirements, will have their grant
convert into a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Interest will accrue and capitalize from the date of
original disbursement. The total amount of TEACH grants that a student may receive for undergraduate study will
not exceed $16,000 and the total amount a graduate student may receive will not exceed $8,000.
In order to qualify and receive the award an applicant must:
Complete a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) at .
Be a US Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen.
Be enrolled at NCAT as a degree-seeking student and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Meet TEACH Grant eligibility requirements listed above and maintain a 3.25 GPA.
Complete TEACH Grant Entrance Counseling at
Complete an Agreement to Serve (ATS) at
Be in an eligible major that is determined by the school.
Upon receipt of the TEACH Grant you must:
Serve full-time in a low-income school as a highly qualified teacher in a high-need field (as listed in the
Teacher Shortage Areas Nationwide Listing) for the state in which the recipient will
be teaching. The majority of the classes taught must be in a high-need field.
Teach for at least four years within eight calendar years of leaving the program for which you received the
TEACH Grant.
Confirm in writing to the Secretary of Education that you are employed as a full-time teacher in accordance
with the terms of the TEACH Grant, or intentions for future employment as a full-time teacher in accordance
with the terms of the TEACH Grant service agreement. This must be done within 120 days of completing
the program or otherwise leaving the program of study for which the TEACH Grant was received.
Respond promptly to any requests for information or documentation from the U.S. Department of Education.
Submit documentation of service in the form of certification by a chief administrative officer of the school
upon completion of each year of service to the Secretary of Education.
Comply with all other terms, conditions, and requirements as determined by the Secretary of Education.
Failure to meet any of these terms will convert the TEACH Grant received into a Federal Direct Unsubsidized
Stafford Loan. Interest will be accrued and capitalized from the date of original disbursement. Once this
grant is converted to a loan, it cannot be reverted to a grant.
To apply for the TEACH Grant, complete the following application and return it to the Office of Student
Financial Aid. The completed application will be processed within fourteen business days after receipt starting
May 27, 2019. Incomplete applications will not be process. Status updates regarding the application will be
emailed and/or obtained using Aggie Access online.
Revised 5-1-2019
Application deadline is March 23, 2020 for the 2019-2020 school year.
NCATSU-TEACH Grant Application 2019-2020
Print Name ____________________________________ Banner ID # 950______________________
Telephone Number ______________________________ Email Address _______________________
Local Address _______________________________________________________________________
Are you currently completing or planning to complete coursework and other requirements necessary to begin a career in teaching for
the purpose of receiving this TEACH grant? Yes No
Major ________________________________ Graduate ___ Undergraduate ___
To qualify you must meet one of the following criteria, please check the box for your criteria:
I have taken the SAT/ACT/GRE test and passed with a score exceeding the 75
percentile on at least one section or
I have a 3.25 cumulative GPA at NC A&T State University if a continuing student or
I have not yet completed a semester at NCAT; however, I have a final high school (freshman only) or postsecondary (transfer
students only) with a 3.25 non-weighted cumulative GPA or New Graduate Student with a 3.25 cumulative GPA from
undergraduate program of study.
Award Amount: Full-time student may receive up to $3752
Three quarter time students may receive up to $2814
Half-time student may receive up to $1876
Less than half-time student may receive up to $ 938
NOTE: Students must maintain a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA each semester to remain eligible for TEACH Grant and be
at least half-time.
The grant will be prorated for students who are less than full-time.
____________________________________________ ___________________
Student Signature
Section MUST be completed by your NCAT Academic Advisor before application can be submitted.
The student whose name appears on this form is currently pursuing Teach Grant funding with Student Financial Aid Office at NC
A&T State University. Please complete the items below. Without this information, the student’s application cannot be processed.
What is this student’s current cumulative GPA? _________
Is this student currently completing or planning to complete coursework and other requirements necessary to begin a career in
teaching? Yes No
Is the student whose name is listed in pursuit of a major that qualifies him/her to teach in a high need field in a low-income school
upon graduation? Yes No
_______________________________________ ________________________
Academic Advisor or Department Chairperson Signature
_______________________________________ ________________________
Advisor’s or Department Chairperson’s Printed Name Advisor’s or Chairperson’s Phone Number
Office of Student Financial Aid Use Only
Application Decision: ____________ OSFA: _________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Revised 5-1-2019
Name:_____________________________ Banner ID: _________________________________
2019-2020 NCATSU TEACH Grant Request Form
Complete this form if you would like the Financial Aid Office (FAO) to review your eligibility for the TEACH
Grant. Before the Office of Student Financial Aid can review your eligibility, you must acknowledge the following:
I understand that if I do not complete my TEACH Grant-eligible academic program, my TEACH Grant will permanently
convert to an Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan that will have to be repaid with interest, retroactive to the date I received the award.
I understand that if I do not meet the service requirement (teaching obligation) upon completion of my TEACH Grant-eligible
academic program, my TEACH Grant will permanently convert to an Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan that will have to be repaid
with interest, retroactive to the date I received the award.
I understand that the minimum service (teaching obligation) required for a TEACH Grant is four years of full-time service in a
designated teacher-shortage area in a designated low-income school. The four years of full-time service must be completed within
eight years from the completion of my TEACH Grant-eligible academic program.
I understand that it is my sole responsibility to report my progress toward completion of my TEACH Grant-eligible academic
program to the U.S. Department of Education on an annual basis.
I understand that it is my sole responsibility to report my progress toward completion of the service requirement (teaching
obligation) to the U.S. Department of Education on an annual basis.
I understand that I will be required to sign an Agreement to Serve on an annual basis before any TEACH Grant funds can be
disbursed to North Carolina A&T State University on my behalf.
My signature on this form confirms my intention of receiving the TEACH Grant, which may become a loan as described above if I do
not fulfill all federal requirements as determined by the U.S. Department of Education.
I also confirm that the decision to accept the TEACH Grant is my own: if I do not agree to the fulfillment requirements, or I do not
believe I will be able to meet them, I should not submit this form to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Student Signature (ink signature required) Date
After you turn in the form, the Office of Student Financial Aid Office will confirm your eligibility based on ALL criteria. If you meet
all criteria, the FAO will revise your Financial Aid Award to include the TEACH Grant. When you receive your revised Financial
Aid, you must complete the following:
1) Agreement to Serve (ATS); and
2) Initial and Subsequent Counseling,
Both of which can be found on the U.S. Department of Education's website: