The Student, Teacher and Scientist Certifications are the last pages of the research paper.
Student Name:
School Name:
Please be as specific as possible in answering the following questions.
1. What steps led you to your hypothesis (where did you get the idea for your research)?
2. Where did you conduct the major part of your work (home, school, other institutional setting, university lab,
medical center, etc.)?
3. If you worked in an institutional setting, did you work on your project as part of a team/group? If YES, who was
on the team (students, adult researchers, etc.) and what was your role?
4. Describe the parts of the research you did on your own and where you received help (literature search,
hypothesis, experimental design, use of special equipment, gathering data, evaluation of data, statistical
analysis, conclusions and preparation of written report (abstract and/or paper).
If this is a continuation of an investigation that was previously submitted to a Sub-Regional JSHS describe how
you have expanded your investigation?
Student Signature
(hand written)