BHRI 2021
10. Project Details (check all that apply).
Do not claim anything that cannot be substantiated.
Note – additional detail may be required in Attachments and/or application narrative.
Sustainable Design & Accessibility:
Compact Development Smart Growth / Walkability
Uses Existing Infrastructure Public Water Public Sewer
Brownfield Redevelopment Historic Preservation
Preserves/Provides Open Space Percentage of open space provided: ______
Preserves Agricultural Land Neighborhood Revitalization
EPA Water Sense Appliances Energy Star
Universal Design Green Building
Handicapped Accessible Units Number of ADA units: _______
Geographic Diversity (be as detailed as possible regarding distance):
Amount of housing stock in city/town considered affordable? ______%
Provides Transportation Options within ________feet/mile(s)
Access to Employment Centers/Jobs within ________feet/mile(s)
Access to Community Services within ________feet/mile(s)
Access to Food and Retail Goods within ________feet/mile(s)
Access to Parks/Recreational Areas within ________feet/mile(s)
Access to High Performing Schools Please Specify: ___________________
Duration of Affordability: Affordability Period _______ years.
If “Preservation”:
When were units first developed & occupied: ___________
When does/did current affordability period expire: ___________
Affordability tied to what program(s): ___________
11. Write a concise narrative description of your proposal which includes:
a) Describe the objectives and beneficiaries of proposal (including location and community
impact) and explanation of how your project is consistent with the State Guide Plan,
emphasizing Land Use 2025 and the Strategic Housing Plan and the Rhode Island
Consolidated Plan.
b) Describe all previous affordable housing projects your organization has produced and identify
all key staff members, partners and development team (e.g., architects, engineers, consultants,
property manager).