UCN-22434 (11-18) Page 4 of 5
13. The Offeror/Subcontractor will (i) cooperate in any studies or surveys as may be required; (ii) submit data electronically into the
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System at www.esrs.gov in order to allow the government to determine the extent of
compliance by the Subcontractor with this Subcontracting Plan; (iii) submit the Individual Subcontract Reports (ISRs) (formerly
SF 294), and/or the Summary Subcontract Reports (SSRs) (formerly SF 295), in accordance with the instructions or as provided
in agency regulations and in the Subcontract; and (iv) ensure its subcontractors agree to submit the ISRs and SSRs.
14. The Offeror/Subcontractor will maintain records demonstrating procedures have been adopted to comply with the requirements
and goals in this Plan. The records shall include at least the following on a plant-wide or company-wide basis, unless
Source lists (e.g., CCR), guides, and other data identifying SB concerns.
Organizations contacted in an attempt to locate sources that are identifying SB concerns
Records on each subcontract solicitation resulting in an award of more than $100,000 indicating: (1) whether SB concerns were solicited
and, if not, why not; (2) whether SDB concerns were solicited and, if not, why not; (3) whether WOSB concerns were solicited and, if not,
why not; (4) whether HZSB concerns were solicited and, if not, why not; (5) whether VOSB concerns were solicited and, if not, why not;
(6) whether SDVOSB concerns were solicited and, if not, why not; and (7) if applicable, the reason why an award was not made to a SB
Records of any outreach efforts to contact: (1) trade associations; (2) business development organizations; and (3) conferences and
trade fairs to locate SB concerns sources.
Records of internal guidance and encouragement provided to buyers through: (1) workshops, seminars, training programs, etc.; and (2)
monitoring performance to evaluate compliance with the program’s requirements.
On a subcontract-by-subcontract basis, records to support award data submitted by the Offeror/Subcontractor to the government,
including the name, address, and business size of each subcontractor. (Note: Not applicable to Offerors/Subcontractors with commercial
Small Business Subcontracting Plans).
(Attach additional sheets of paper, as necessary)
The Offeror/Subcontractor will make a good faith effort to acquire articles, equipment, supplies, services, or materials, or
obtain the performance of construction work from the SB concerns that were used in preparing the bid or proposal, in the same
or greater scope, amount, and quality used in preparing and submitting the bid or proposal. The SB concerns used preparing
the bid or proposal include:
Any SB concerns identified as a subcontractor in the bid or proposal or associated small business subcontracting plan, to furnish
certain supplies or perform a portion of the subcontract; or
Any SB concerns whose pricing or cost information or technical expertise were used in preparing the bid or proposal, where there
is written evidence of an intent or understanding that the SB concern will be awarded a subcontract for the related work if the
Offeror/Subcontractor is awarded the subcontract.
16. The Offeror/Subcontractor will provide a written explanation if the fails to acquire articles, equipment, supplies, services or
materials or obtain the performance of construction work as described in the preceding section. The Offeror/Subcontractor
will submit this explanation to the Company’s Procurement Representative within 30 days of the subcontract completion.
17. The Offeror/Subcontractor will not prohibit a lower-tiered subcontractor from discussing with the Company’s Procurement
Representative any material matter pertaining to payment to or utilization of a lower-tiered subcontractor.
18. The Offeror/Subcontractor will pay its lower-tier small business subcontractors on time and in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the underlying subcontract. The Offeror/Subcontractor will notify the Company’s Procurement Representative if
it pays a reduced amount or makes an untimely payment to a lower-tiered small business subcontractor.