18. He/She gives others the freedom to handle difficult situations in the
way they feel is best.
19. He/She provides others with work experiences that enables them to
develop new skills.
20. He/She sacrifices his/her own interests to meet others’ needs.
21. He/She would not compromise ethical principles in order to meet
22. He/She can recognize when others are feeling down without asking
23. He/She encourages others to volunteer in the community.
24. He/She can solve work problems with new or creative ideas.
25. If others need to make important decisions at work, they do no need to
consult him/her.
26. He/She wants to know about others’ career goals.
27. He/She does what he/she can to make others’ jobs easier.
28. He/She values honesty more than profits.
Using the questionnaires on which others assessed you leadership, take the separate scores for each
item, add them together, and divide that sum by two. This will give you the average score for that item.
For example, if Person A assessed you at 4 for Item 2, and Person B marked you as a 6, you score for
Item 2 would be 5. Once you have averaged each item’s scores, use the following steps to complete the
scoring of the questionnaire.
1. Add up the scores on 1, 8, 15, and 22. This is your score for emotional healing.
2. Add up the scores for 2, 9, 16, and 23. This is your score for creating value for the community.
3. Add up the scores for 3, 10, 17, and 24. This is your score for conceptual skills.
4. Add up the scores for 4, 11, 18, and 25. This is your score for empowering.
5. Add up the scores for 5, 12, 19, and 26. This is your score for helping subordinates grow an
6. Add up the scores for 6, 13, 19, and 27. This is your score for putting subordinates first.
7. Add up the scores for 7, 14, 20, and 28. This is your score for behaving ethically.
den, R.C., Wayne, S.J. Zhao, H., & Henderson, D. (2008). Servant leadership: Development of a
multidimensional measure and multi-level assessment. Leadership Quarterly, 19, 161-177.