Mount of the Beatitudes on
the Sea of Galilee in Israel
Jesus preaches
in Galilee and
A.D.50 A.D. 400 A.D.750 A.D. 1100
A.D.50 A.D. 400 A.D.750 A.D. 1100
of Christianity
The Rise
Emperor Leo III
removes icons
from churches
A.D. 312
A.D. 1054
Orthodox and
Catholic Churches
338–339 Richard T. Nowitz/CORBIS
338-341 CO10-824133 3/26/04 7:13 PM Page 338
Chapter Preview
While the Romans built their empire, a group called the
Christians spread a new religion called Christianity. Read
this chapter to find out how Christianity grew to become
one of the major influences on European civilization.
View the Chapter 10 video in the World History:
Journey Across Time Video Program.
Chapter Overview Visit for a preview
of Chapter 10.
Sequencing Information Make this foldable to help you sequence information
about the rise of Christianity.
Reading and Writing
As you read the chapter,
write the important
events that occurred in
the rise of Christianity.
Step 1 Fold a piece
of paper from
top to
This makes an
ise of
The R
Jesus begins
to preach
removes icons
ise of
The R
Step 3 Unfold and label the time
line as shown.
Step 4 Fill in
important dates
as you read like
those shown.
The First Christians
During the Roman Empire, Jesus of Nazareth began
preaching a message of love and forgiveness. His
life and teachings led to the rise of Christianity.
The Christian Church
The Romans at first persecuted Christians. In time,
however, Christianity became the Roman Empire’s
official religion. Early Christians organized the
church and collected the books that became the
Christian Bible.
The Spread of Christian Ideas
Church and government worked closely together
in the Byzantine Empire. Christians founded new
communities and spread their faith through Europe.
Step 2 Then fold back each half to
make quarter folds.
338-341 CO10-875047 9/16/06 5:09 PM Page 339
Looking for
Sequence Clues
When we speak, read, or write, we automatically use clues to tell
us what happened when. These clues are called sequence words, and
they show us the order in which events occur.
Read the following passage about the spread of Christianity.
Notice the highlighted sequence words or phrases.
After the fall of Rome, the
people of Western Europe faced
confusion and conflict. As a
result, people were looking for
order and unity. Christianity
helped to meet this need. It
spread rapidly into lands that
had once been part of the
Roman Empire.
—from page 361
Sequence Clues
Now read the paragraph again
and leave out the highlighted
sequence words. Do you see how
important they are in helping you
understand what you are reading?
When you have trouble
understanding the order
in which things occur,
create a rough time line
to help you keep track
of events as you read.
338-341 CO10-824133 3/22/04 9:12 PM Page 340
Look at the time line
that appears at the
bottom of page 342.
Write a paragraph that
uses sequence clues to
describe when these
events occurred.
Read to Write
Finding Clue Words
Read this passage and write down any word or phrase
that helps you recognize the sequence of events.
Choose one section in this chapter
and use sequence clues, as well as
dates, to help you place events on a
time line in chronological order.
Even with all of the hardships,
Christianity spread. Over time it
even began to draw people from
all classes. After
A.D. 250, many
Romans grew tired of war and
feared the end of the empire. They
began to admire the faith of the
—from page 354
The apostle
Peter preaching
akg-images/Orsi Battaglini
338-341 CO10-875047 9/16/06 2:52 PM Page 341
What’s the Connection?
You learned that the Romans ruled
many areas of the Mediterranean.
In one of these areas, Judaea, a new
religion, Christianity, began.
Focusing on the
Roman rule of Judaea led some Jews
to oppose Rome peacefully, while
others rebelled.
(page 343)
Jesus of Nazareth preached of
God’s love and forgiveness. According
to Christian scriptures, Jesus was
crucified and rose from the dead.
(page 344)
Jesus’ life and a belief in his
resurrection led to a new religion
called Christianity.
(page 348)
Locating Places
Jerusalem (juhROO suhluhm)
Judaea (juDEEuh)
Nazareth (NAzuhruhth)
Galilee (GAluhLEE)
Meeting People
Jesus (JEEzuhs)
Building Your Vocabulary
messiah (muhSYuh)
disciple (dihSYpuhl)
parable (PARuhbuhl)
apostle (uhPAH suhl)
salvation (salVAY shuhn)
Reading Strategy
Summarizing Information Complete
a diagram like the one below showing
the purposes of early Christian churches.
342 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Jesus preaches
in Galilee and
Jews in Judaea
rise up against
Romans force
Jews out of
A.D.1 A.D.50 A.D. 100 A.D. 150
A.D. 1 A.D.50 A.D. 100 A.D. 150
Purposes of Churches
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:06 PM Page 342
The Jews and the Romans
Roman rule of Judaea led some Jews to
oppose Rome peacefully, while others rebelled.
Reading Focus Suppose you were separated from
your home and could not easily return to it. What effect
might this have on you? Read to learn how the Jews
were forced to leave their capital city.
As you learned earlier, during the
900s B.C., two great kings, David and
Solomon, united the Israelites and created
the kingdom of Israel. Its capital was
Jerusalem (juhROO suhluhm). This unity
did not last long, however. Israel divided
into two kingdoms: Israel and Judah. These
small kingdoms were later taken over by
more powerful neighbors. Israel was
destroyed, and its people scattered. But the
Jews, the people of Judah, survived.
Roman Rule In 63 B.C. the Romans took
over Judah. At first, they ruled through
Jewish kings. Then, in A.D. 6, Emperor
Augustus turned Judah into a Roman
province called Judaea (juDEEuh). Instead
of a king, a Roman governor called a
procurator (PRAH kyuhRAY tuhr) ruled the
new province on the emperor’s behalf.
The Jews argued among themselves
over what to do about the Romans. Some
favored working with the Romans. Others
opposed Roman rule by closely following
Jewish traditions. Still others turned their
backs on the Romans. They settled in iso-
lated areas and shared their belongings.
The Jews Rebel Some Jews believed that
they should fight the Romans and take back
control of their kingdom. These people,
called Zealots, convinced many Jews to
take up arms against the Romans in A.D. 66.
The rebellion was brutally crushed. The
Romans destroyed the temple and killed
thousands of Jews. A Jewish general named
Josephus (joh SEE fuhs) fought in the war
but later sided with the Romans. He wrote
about the horrors of Jerusalem’s fall in his
work History of the Jewish War.
The Jews rebelled again in A.D. 132 and
were again defeated. This time the Romans
forced all Jews to leave Jerusalem and
banned them from ever returning to the
city. Saddened by the loss of Jerusalem,
many Jews found new homes elsewhere.
By A.D. 700, the Jews had set up commu-
nities as far west as Spain and as far east as
central Asia. In later centuries, they settled
throughout Europe and the Americas. In
their scattered communities, the Jews kept
their faith alive by studying and following
their religious laws.
Why did many Jews
leave Judaea after the
A.D. 132 revolt?
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 343
These ruins are of the moun-
taintop Jewish fortress at
Masada in Israel. Jewish rebels
were defeated by Roman
troops here in
A.D. 73. What
were the Jewish rebels called?
These ruins are of the moun-
taintop Jewish fortress at
Masada in Israel. Jewish rebels
were defeated by Roman
troops here in
A.D. 73. What
were the Jewish rebels called?
Nathan Benn/CORBIS
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:09 PM Page 343
The Life of Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth preached of Gods
love and forgiveness. According to Christian scrip-
tures, Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.
Reading Focus If you could give someone advice on
how to behave, what would you tell them? Why? Read
to learn how Jesus thought people should behave.
During Roman times, many Jews hoped
that God would send a messiah (muhSY
uh), or deliverer. This leader would help
them win back their freedom. The Israelite
prophets had long ago predicted that a
messiah would come. Many Jews expected
the messiah to be a great king, like David.
They thought the messiah would restore
the past glories of the Israelite kingdom.
A few decades before the first Jewish
revolt against Rome, a Jew named Jesus
(JEE zuhs) left his home in Nazareth
(NAzuhruhth) and began preaching. From
about A.D. 30 to A.D. 33, Jesus traveled
throughout Judaea and Galilee (GA luh
LEE), the region just north of Judaea, preach-
ing his ideas. Crowds gathered to hear
him preach. He soon assembled a small
band of 12 close followers called disciples
What Did Jesus Teach? According to the
Christian Bible, Jesus preached that God
was coming soon to rule the world. He
urged people to turn from their sins. He
also told them that it was important to love
God and to love their neighbors. In this
way, they would be obeying God, whom
Jesus referred to as his Father.
The main points of Jesus’ message are
given in a group of sayings known as the
Sermon on the Mount. In them, Jesus made
it clear that a person had to love and forgive
344 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Jesus traveled throughout the regions of Judaea and Galilee, preaching to
all who would listen to his religious message. In the Sermon on the Mount,
illustrated below, Jesus described God’s love and how to be a good person.
At right, Jesus is shown as the Good Shepherd, a popular image in early
Christian art.
What did Jesus teach about Jewish religious laws?
The Teachings of Jesus
The Teachings of Jesus
(l)Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, NY, (r)Scala/Art Resource, NY
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 5:11 PM Page 344
from the heart and not just go through the
motions of following religious laws.
Among Jesus’ sayings were “Blessed are the
merciful, for they will obtain mercy” and
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will
be called the children of God.”
Jesus told his listeners to love and for-
give each other because God loves and
forgives people. According to Jesus, God’s
command was simple. He repeated the age-
old Jewish teaching: “Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind and with all
your strength.” Jesus also stressed the
Jewish teaching: “Love your neighbor as
yourself.” This message of love and forgive-
ness helped shape the values many people
in Europe and America hold today.
To present his message, Jesus often
used parables (PAR uh buhlz). These were
stories that used events from everyday life
to express spiritual ideas. In the story of
the Prodigal (wasteful) Son, Jesus told how
a father welcomed back his reckless son
with open arms. He forgave his son’s
mistakes. In another parable, he told of a
shepherd who left his flock unguarded to
go after one lost sheep. Both stories taught
that God forgives mistakes and wants
all people to turn away from bad deeds and
be saved.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is
one of the best known. In this story, a man
is beaten by robbers. A priest and another
religious leader passed by the injured man.
However, a Samaritan, a member of a
group of people who lived in what is now
northern Israel, stops to help the victim. He
treats the man’s wounds and pays for his
stay at an inn. Jesus asked his followers,
“Which man do you think truly showed
love to his neighbor?”
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 345
Jesus used stories, called parables, to describe correct behaviors
to his followers.The parables of the Prodigal Son (below) and the
Good Samaritan (right) are shown here.
What lesson was taught
by the parable of the Prodigal Son?
(l)Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, (r)Tate Gallery, London/Art Resource, NY
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:11 PM Page 345
c. 6
Much of what we know about Jesus, whose life
and teachings established the Christian religion, is
based on accounts found in the the New Testament in
the Christian Bible. According to the New Testatment,
Jesus’ birth was guided by God. An angel visited Mary,
Jesus’ mother, to tell her she was going to have a
baby. The angel told Mary her baby would
be the Son of God. An angel also visited Joseph,
Mary’s fiancé, and instructed him to marry her.
Jesus was humbly born in a stable, beside barn
animals, in the town of Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph
had traveled there to take part in a census ordered by the
Romans. Shepherds and wise men, possibly princes from
neighboring kingdoms, followed a brightly shining star to honor Jesus in the stable.
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth.
The Christian Bible tells very little about the middle years of Jesus’ life. He grew up in
Nazareth, a small town in Galilee, where he learned the carpenter’s trade
from Joseph. Later in life, Jesus set out to share his religious teachings.
At this point, the Christian Bible provides many stories of Jesus’
travels and the miracles he performed. The accounts of Jesus’
miracles, such as giving a blind man sight, raising a man from the
dead, and calming a storm at sea, brought many followers to his
teachings. When Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before his
death, he was greeted by cheering crowds. One of Jesus’ closest
followers, however, betrayed him and turned him over to
Roman authorities. Jesus was questioned by Roman officials
and sentenced to death. Soon afterwards, reports that he had
risen from the dead would lead to a new religion—Christianity.
An early
of Jesus on
his throne
Jesus entering Jerusalem
“I am the light that has
come into the world.”
—Jesus of Nazareth, John 12:46
What event does Christmas celebrate? What
aspects of Christmas today are not related to
its traditional meaning?
(t)Elio Ciol/CORBIS, (b)Scala/Art Resource, NY
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:12 PM Page 346
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 347
What Is the Crucifixion? Jesus and his
message drew strong responses from peo-
ple. His followers spoke of instances in
which they believed he healed the sick and
performed other miracles. They said he was
the long-awaited messiah. Other Jews
rejected him and said he was a deceiver.
Above all, Judaea’s Roman rulers feared
the effects of Jesus’ preaching. A
person who could spark such strong reac-
tions might threaten law and order.
About A.D. 33, Jesus went to Jerusalem to
celebrate Passover, an important Jewish holy
day. There he was greeted by large, cheering
crowds. In an event known as
the Last Supper, Jesus celebrated the holy
day with his 12 disciples. Fearing trouble,
leaders in Jerusalem arrested Jesus. He was
According to the Bible, just before his death, Jesus gathered his disciples together
for a meal known as the Last Supper. Why did the Romans fear Jesus?
charged with treason, or disloyalty to
the government. According to Christian scrip-
tures, Jesus was crucified, or hung from a cross
until dead. This was Rome’s way of punishing
political rebels and lower-class criminals.
After Jesus’ death, his followers made a
startling claim. They announced that Jesus had
risen from the dead. Christian tradition states
that Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ followers,
was the first to see Jesus alive again. Others,
including Jesus’ disciples, reported seeing him
as well. The disciples also pointed to his empty
tomb as proof that Jesus was the messiah.
These reports of Jesus’ resurrection (REHzuh
REHKshuhn), or rising from the dead, led to a
new religion called Christianity.
What were the
main ideas Jesus taught during his life?
Louvre, Paris/Bridgeman Art Library
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:14 PM Page 347
The First Christians
Jesus’ life and a belief in his resurrec-
tion led to a new religion called Christianity.
Reading Focus Have you ever read news stories
about people sacrificing their lives to help others? Read
to learn about the sacrifice Christians believe Jesus
made for everyone.
Jesus’ disciples began to spread the mes-
sage of Jesus and his resurrection. Small
groups in the Greek-speaking cities of the
eastern Mediterranean accepted this mes-
sage. Some were Jews, but others were not.
Sermon on
the Mount
Jesus encouraged his disciples with the
Sermon on the Mount.
“Happy are you when men insult you and perse-
cute you and tell
all kinds of evil
lies against
you because you
are my followers.
Be happy and
glad, for a great
reward is kept for
you in heaven.
This is how the
prophets who
lived before you
were persecuted.”
Why does Jesus tell his followers to
ignore—even rejoice in—persecution?
Jesus and his followers
348 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Those who accepted Jesus and his teachings
became known as Christians and referred
to him as Jesus Christ. The word Christ
comes from Christos, a Greek word for
The early Christians formed churches,
or communities for worship and teaching.
They met in people’s houses, many of
which were owned by women. At these
gatherings, Christians prayed and studied
the Hebrew Bible. They also shared in a rit-
ual meal like the Last Supper to remember
Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Who Were Peter and Paul? Apostles
(uh PAH suhlz), or early Christian leaders
who had been chosen by Jesus to spread his
message, played an important role in the
growth of Christianity. One of the most
important was Peter.
Simon Peter was a Jewish fisher. He had
known Jesus while he was alive and had
been one of the original 12 people Jesus
had chosen to preach his message.
Christian tradition states that he went to
Rome after the death of Jesus and helped
set up a church there. Today, the leader of
Catholic Christians resides in Rome.
Paul of Tarsus was another important
Christian leader. He was a well-educated
Jew and a Roman citizen. Paul at first
worked to stop Christian ideas from
spreading. The chief Jewish priest in
Jerusalem then sent him to Damascus (duh
MASkuhs), a city in Syria, to stop Christians
in the city from spreading their ideas.
While on the road to Damascus, Paul
had an unusual experience. According to
Christian belief, he saw a great light and
heard Jesus’ voice. Paul became a Christian
on the spot. He spent the rest of his life
spreading Jesus’ message. Paul traveled
widely. He founded churches throughout
the eastern Mediterranean.
The New York Public Library/Art Resource, NY
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:15 PM Page 348
. 10–65
Without the apostle Paul, Christianity might not
have become one of the world’s most widely
accepted religions. It was Paul who spread the word
about Jesus to the Gentiles, or non-Jews, and helped
Jesus gain acceptance as the messiah.
Paul was a Jew from Tarsus, a major city in Asia
Minor. His father was a Roman citizen, and his family followed
the laws and rules of the Pharisees—a Jewish group that
stressed the need to follow Jewish laws. His parents named their
son Saul after the first king of the Jews. The first trade Saul
learned was tent making. Around age 10, he was sent to
Jerusalem to attend a school under the direction of the famed
Pharisee teacher Gamaliel. Saul received a well-rounded
education. He learned the language and history of the Romans, Jews, and Greeks.
When Saul was in his twenties, he opposed Christians and their newly formed
church in Jerusalem. He was on his way to Damascus in Syria to try and stop the spread
of Christian ideas there when a vision of Jesus led him to accept Christianity.
Saul began using the Latin name Paul after his conversion to Christianity. He
traveled extensively, preaching and writing to Gentiles. He also wrote many
important letters, known as epistles, to churches in Rome, Greece, and Asia Minor.
These letters are included in the Christian Bible.
Paul convinced many people that if they died as Christians, they would have
eternal life. Even though Paul’s only meeting with Jesus was supposedly in his vision,
Paul visited more places and preached to more
people than most of the apostles who had known
Jesus in person. Paul worked as a missionary for
around 35 years. He was probably killed when the
Roman emperor Nero ordered that Christians in
Rome be arrested and put to death.
A book containing the
teachings of Paul
Paul of Tarsus
Can you think of any groups of people in
today’s world who are persecuted for their
“I showed how you
should work to
help everyone. ”
—Paul, Acts 20:35
(t)Danita Delimont/Ancient Art & Architecture Collection, (b)Victoria & Albert Museum, London/Art Resouce, NY
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/18/06 12:30 PM Page 349
Reading Summary
Review the
While some Jews opposed Roman
rule peacefully, others revolted,
leading the Romans to banish
Jews from Jerusalem.
Jesus preached of God’s love
and forgiveness. According to
Christian scriptures, Jesus was
crucified and rose from the dead.
A new religion, Christianity, based
on the teachings of Jesus and a
belief in his resurrection, spread
in the Mediterranean region.
1. What are parables, and why did
Jesus use them?
2. What do Christians believe
they will gain by accepting
Jesus and his teachings?
Critical Thinking
3. Summarize Information
Draw a diagram like the one
below. Add details to identify
some of the Christian beliefs
taught by Jesus.
Analyze Why were the Jews
looking for a messiah? Did
Jesus fulfill most Jews’ expecta-
tions for a messiah? Explain.
Why was Jesus put
to death?
Expository Writing Write an
essay explaining why Paul is
important to the history of
Sequence Clues
List five words in this section
that serve as sequence clues.
Explain how each word pro-
vided clues as to when an
event occurred.
What Did You Learn?
Study Central
Need help with the
material in this section? Visit
350 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
What Do Christians Believe? From the
beginning, Christians taught that Jesus was
the Son of God and had come to save
people. By accepting Jesus and his teach-
ings, people could gain salvation (salVAY
shuhn), or be saved from sin and allowed to
enter heaven. Like Jesus, after death they
would be resurrected and join God in ever-
lasting life.
Because of their faith in Jesus, Christians
began to understand God in a new way.
Like the Jews, Christians believed in the
God of Israel and studied the Hebrew Bible.
However, most Christians came to believe
that the one God existed in three persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This idea
became known as the Trinity, which comes
from a word meaning “three.”
Who were Peter
and Paul, and why were they important?
This painting shows the apostle Peter preaching
to followers. What was the role of apostles in
the spread of Christianity?
akg-images/Orsi Battaglini
342-350 C10S1-875047 9/16/06 4:17 PM Page 350
What’s the Connection?
In the last section, you read
about the origins of Christianity. In
this section, you will discover how
Christianity grew and was organized.
Focusing on the
Christianity won many followers
and eventually became the official
religion of the Roman Empire.
(page 352)
Early Christians set up a church
organization and explained their
(page 355)
Locating Places
Meeting People
Constantine (KAHNstuhnTEEN)
Helena (HEHLuhnuh)
Theodosius (THEE uhDOHshuhs)
Building Your Vocabulary
persecute (PURHsihKYOOT)
martyr (MAHRtuhr)
hierarchy (HYuhrAHRkee)
clergy (KLUHRjee)
laity (LAYuhtee)
doctrine (DAHKtruhn)
gospel (GAHSpuhl)
Reading Strategy
Organizing Information Complete
a diagram like the one below showing
reasons for the growth of Christianity.
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 351
Romans begin to
persecute Christians
A.D. 312
Christianity becomes
the official religion of
the Roman Empire
A.D. 100 A.D. 300 A.D. 500
A.D. 100 A.D. 300 A.D. 500
Reasons for
Growth of
351-357 C10S2-824133 3/22/04 10:14 PM Page 351
A Growing Faith
Christianity won many followers and
eventually became the official religion of the Roman
Reading Focus Why do you think people like to
belong to a community? Read to learn about early
Christian communities.
During the 100 years after Jesus’ death,
Christianity won followers throughout the
Roman world. The empire itself helped
spread Christian ideas. The peace and order
established by Rome allowed people to
travel in safety. Christians used well-paved
Spread of Christianity A.D. 325
352 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Roman roads to carry their message from
place to place. Since most of the empire’s
people spoke either Latin or Greek,
Christians could talk with them directly.
Why did Christianity attract followers?
First, the Christian message gave meaning
to people’s lives. Rome’s official religion
urged people to honor the state and the
emperor. Christianity instead reached out
to the poor and the powerless who led very
hard lives. It offered hope and comfort.
Second, the ideas of Christianity were
familiar to many Romans. They already
knew about other eastern Mediterranean
religions. Like these faiths, Christianity
Main areas of Christian growth
Paul’s first journey
Paul’s second journey
Even while facing Roman persecution, the
Christian religion continued to grow within the
Roman Empire.
1. To what areas did Paul’s journeys take him?
2. Why do you think Christianity spread as it did
A.D. 325?
Find NGS online map resources @
351-357 C10S2-875047 9/16/06 5:16 PM Page 352
Christian Catacombs Christians
believed in resurrection, the idea that
the body would one day reunite with
the soul. For this reason, they would
not allow their dead bodies to be
burned, which was the Roman custom.
Also, Roman law did not allow bodies
to be buried aboveground. Therefore,
starting in the
A.D. 100s, Christians
buried their dead beneath the city of
Rome in a series of dark, cold, stench-
filled tunnels called catacombs.
Each tunnel was about 8 feet
(2.4 m) high and less than 3 feet (1 m)
wide. Bodies were stacked in slots
along the sides of the tunnels. The
catacomb walls were painted with
images from the Bible or from Greek
or Roman mythology.
More than five
million bodies
were buried under
Roman streets and
buildings. Many of
the Christians buried
there were martyrs
who had been killed
for their beliefs.
Connecting to the Past
1. Why did Christians bury their dead in
2. What skills do you think would be
necessary to dig and plan catacombs?
appealed to the emotions and promised
happiness after death.
Finally, Christianity gave people the
chance to be part of a caring group. Within
their churches, Christians not only wor-
shiped together but helped each other. They
took care of the sick, the elderly, widows,
and orphans. Many women found that
Christianity offered them new roles. They
ran churches from their homes, spread Jesus’
message, and helped care for those in need.
How Did the Romans Treat Christians?
Over time, Roman officials began to see
the Christians as a threat. All people were
usually allowed to worship freely, but they
had to honor the emperor as a god.
Christians, like the Jews, believed in one
God and refused to do this. Unlike the Jews,
they did not belong to a recognized reli-
gion. Christians also refused to serve in the
army or hold public office. They criticized
Roman festivals and games. Thus the
Romans saw Christians as traitors who
deserved punishment.
In A.D. 64 the Roman government
began to persecute (PURH sih KYOOT),
or mistreat, Christians. At this time, the
emperor Nero falsely accused
Christians of starting a fire that burned
much of Rome. Christianity was made
illegal, and many Christians were killed.
Other persecutions followed. During
these difficult times, many Christians
became martyrs (MAHRtuhrz), people
willing to die rather than give up their
beliefs. At that time, Romans required
dead people to be cremated, or burned
to ashes. Christians wanted to bury
their dead. They were forced to bury their
dead outside Rome in catacombs, or under-
ground burial places. Catacombs were also
used for religious services during times of
Christian catacombs
in Rome
Scala/Art Resource, NY
351-357 C10S2-875047 9/16/06 7:11 PM Page 353
Even with all of the hardships,
Christianity spread. Over time it even
began to draw people from all classes. After
A.D. 250, many Romans grew tired of war
and feared the end of the empire. They
began to admire the faith of the Christians.
Rome Adopts Christianity In the early
A.D. 300s the emperor Diocletian carried out
the last great persecution of Christians. It
failed, and Roman officials realized that
Christianity was too strong to be destroyed.
Then, in A.D. 312, the Roman emperor
Constantine (KAHN stuhn TEEN) accepted
Christianity. According to tradition,
Constantine saw a flaming cross in the sky
as he was about to go into battle. Written
beneath the cross were the Latin words that
meant “In this sign you will conquer.”
Constantine won the battle and believed
that the Christian God had helped him.
A.D. 313 Constantine issued an order
called the Edict of Milan. It gave religious
freedom to all people and made Christianity
legal. Constantine began giving govern-
ment support to Christianity. With the help
of his mother, Helena (HEHL uh nuh),he
built churches in Rome and Jerusalem. He
also let church officials serve in government
and excused them from paying taxes.
Constantine’s successor, the emperor
(THEE uh DOH shuhs), made
Christianity Rome’s official religion in
A.D. 392. He then outlawed other religions.
Why did the
Romans see the Christians as traitors?
Constantine led his troops to victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge
after his conversion to Christianity. Constantine’s enemies were defeated
as a bridge made of boats collapsed under their weight. The X and P sym-
bols on the shields represented the first two letters of the Greek word for
How did Constantine’s Edict of Milan support Christianity?
Constantine’s Conversion
Constantine’s Conversion
351-357 C10S2-875047 9/16/06 5:48 PM Page 354
The Early Church
Early Christians set up a church organi-
zation and explained their beliefs.
Reading Focus How can good organization make the
difference between whether a plan or project fails or
succeeds? Read how early Christians organized their
churches and chose what to include in the Bible.
In its early years, Christianity was loosely
organized. Leaders like Paul traveled from
one Christian community to another. They
tried to unify the scattered groups. In their
teaching, they emphasized that all the
individual groups of Christians were
part of one body called the church. Early
Christians, however, faced a challenge.
How were they to unite?
Organizing the Church The early Christians
turned to a surprising model to organize
the church—the Roman Empire itself. Like
the Roman Empire, the church came to be
ruled by a hierarchy (HY uhr AHR kee). A
hierarchy is an organization with different
levels of authority.
The clergy (KLUHR jee) were the lead-
ers of the church. They had different roles
from the laity (LAY uh tee), or regular
church members. As the church’s organi-
zation grew, women were not permitted to
serve in the clergy. However, as members
of the laity, they continued to care for the
sick and needy.
By around A.D. 300, local churches were
led by clergy called priests. Several churches
formed a diocese (DY uh suhs), led by a
bishop. A bishop in charge of a city diocese
was sometimes also put in charge of an
entire region. This made him an arch-
bishop. The five leading archbishops
became known as patriarchs (PAY tree
AHRKS). They led churches in large cities and
were in charge of large areas of territory.
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 355
Early Church Hierarchy
Early Church Hierarchy
The bishops explained Christian beliefs.
They also took care of church business.
From time to time, bishops met to discuss
questions about Christian faith. Decisions
they reached at these meetings came to be
accepted as doctrine (DAHKtruhn), or offi-
cial church teaching.
What Is the New Testament? Along with
explaining Christian ideas, church leaders
preserved a written record of the life of
Jesus and put together a group of writings
to help guide Christians. Jesus himself left
no writings. His followers, however, passed
on what they knew about him. By A.D. 300,
four accounts of Jesus’ life, teachings, and
resurrection had become well-known.
Christians believed these accounts were
written by early followers of Jesus named
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Each work was called a gospel (GAHS
puhl), which means “good news.” Christians
later combined the four gospels with the
writings of Paul and other early Christian
leaders. Together, these works form the
New Testament of the Christian Bible.
351-357 C10S2-875047 9/16/06 5:49 PM Page 355
356 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Reading Summary
Review the
After its followers suffered
Roman persecution for several
hundred years, Christianity
became the official religion of
the Roman Empire under
Emperor Theodosius.
As Christianity grew, the church
became more united under a
hierarchy of leaders. Christian
writings were gathered into the
New Testament of the Christian
1. What is a martyr?
2. What writings are included in
the New Testament of the
Christian Bible?
Critical Thinking
3. Organizing Information
Draw a chart like the one
below. Fill in details on the
effects each of the emperors
listed had on the acceptance
and growth of Christianity.
Analyze Following Jesus’
death, why was Christianity
able to attract followers?
Why do you think
the Christian church came to
be ruled by a hierarchy?
Conclude Do you think the
Christian religion would have
spread so quickly if it had
developed in a time other than
that of the Roman Empire?
Writing Questions
five questions that a reporter
who lived at the same time as
Constantine might have asked
him about Christianity.
What Did You Learn?
Study Central
Need help with the
material in this section? Visit
Diocletian Constantine Theodosius
Roman Emperors
Other writings also influenced early
Christians. Christian thinkers known as the
Church Fathers wrote books to explain
church teachings. One leading Church
Father was a bishop in North Africa named
Augustine. In his writings, Augustine
defended Christianity against its oppo-
nents. He wrote The City of God—one of the
first history books written from a Christian
viewpoint. He also wrote a work called
Confessions. It was an account of his per-
sonal journey to the Christian faith.
Who Is the Pope? As the church grew, the
bishop of Rome, who was also the patriarch
of the West, began to claim power over the
other bishops. He believed that he had the
authority of Peter, Jesus’ leading disciple.
Also, his diocese was in Rome, the capital of
the empire.
By A.D. 600, the bishop of Rome had
gained a special title—pope. The title comes
from a Latin word meaning “father.” Latin-
speaking Christians accepted the pope as
head of the church. Their churches became
known as the Roman Catholic Church.
Greek-speaking Christians would not
accept the pope’s authority over them. You
will read in the next section about
Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire
and their form of Christianity.
What are the
gospels, and why are they significant?
Matthew wrote
one of the four
gospels in the
New Testament of
the Christian
Bible. What is the
subject of the
gospels of
Matthew, Mark,
Luke,and John?
Cott Nero DIV f.25v Portrait of St. Matthew/British Library, London/Bridgeman Art Library
351-357 C10S2-875047 9/16/06 7:14 PM Page 356
. 354–430
Augustine was born in North Africa, in what is today
the country of Algeria, to upper-class parents. His mother
was Christian, but his father was not. His father sent
him to the North African city of Carthage to attend good
schools. Although he appeared to be an outstanding
student, Augustine later said that he made many poor
choices during his time at school.
When Augustine finished his education, he returned
home to teach grammar. His mother again tried to
convince him of the truth of Christianity, but he had
joined a group of people who were critical of Christians.
According to Augustine’s writings, his mother was
saddened until a vision promised her that her son
would eventually accept Christianity.
Augustine moved to several cities, often teaching
rhetoric (the art of speaking). He ended up in Milan, Italy.
There he listened to Milan’s bishop Ambrose preaching, not because he liked his messages
but because he admired the way Ambrose spoke. Slowly, Augustine began to think about
the messages of Ambrose’s sermons. One day
D. 386, Augustine heard a child’s voice say
to him, “Take up and read.” Nearby was a
friend’s copy of Paul’s letters. He began to read
the letters and decided that he believed the
messages of Christianity. Augustine was soon
baptized and founded a monastery—probably
the first monastery in his area of North Africa.
Later Augustine became a bishop. He recorded
his life in
D. 401 in the book Confessions.
St. Augustine being blessed by the pope
St. Augustine
Do research to find out how Christianity has
influenced the development of the United
States. Provide examples of how it has affected
government, society, and the economy.
“Even when sad, I remember
my times of joy.”
Saint Augustine, Confessions
(t)Scala/Art Resource, NY, (b)Alinari/Art Resource, NY
351-357 C10S2-824133 3/22/04 10:24 PM Page 357
What’s the Connection?
In the last section, you read
about the growth of the Christian
church. In this section, you will learn
how the church underwent a great
division and how Christians spread
their faith to new lands.
Focusing on the
Church and government worked
closely together in the Byzantine
(page 359)
Christians founded new communities
and spread their faith to various
parts of Europe.
(page 361)
Locating Places
Byzantine Empire
Britain (BRIHtuhn)
Ireland (EYERluhnd)
Meeting People
Charlemagne (SHAHRluhMAYN)
Basil (BAYzuhl)
Benedict (BEHnuhDIHKT)
Cyril (SIHRuhl)
Building Your Vocabulary
icon (EYEKAHN)
iconoclast (eyeKAHnuhKLAST)
schism (SIHzuhm)
monastery (MAHnuhSTEHR ee)
missionary (MIHshuhNEHRee)
Reading Strategy
Organizing Information Create a
diagram to show the reach of Christian
358 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
c. A.D.450
Patrick preaches
Christianity in
Emperor Leo III
removes icons
from churches
A.D. 1054
Eastern Orthodox
and Roman Catholic
Churches separate
A.D. 400 A.D. 800 A.D.1200
A.D. 400 A.D. 800 A.D.1200
358-364 C10S3-824133 3/22/04 10:35 PM Page 358
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 359
This gold Byzantine incense burner is in the shape
of a church. What was the Christian church that
developed in the Byzantine Empire called?
Religious Arguments Many Byzantines,
from the emperor down to the poorest
farmer, were very interested in religious
matters. In homes and shops, they argued
about religious questions. For example,
Byzantines loved to discuss the exact rela-
tionship between Jesus and God.
In the A.D. 700s, a major dispute divided
the Church in the Byzantine Empire. The
argument was over the use of icons (EYE
KAHNZ). Icons are pictures or images of Jesus,
Mary (the mother of Jesus), and the saints,
or Christian holy people. Many Byzantines
honored icons. They covered the walls of
their churches with them. A few important
icons were even believed to work miracles.
Some Byzantines, however, wanted an
end to the use of icons. They thought that
honoring them was a form of idol worship
forbidden by God. Supporters of icons,
Web Activity Visit and click
on Chapter 10—Student Web Activity to learn
more about the rise of Christianity.
The Byzantine Church
Church and government worked closely
together in the Byzantine Empire.
Reading Focus In the United States, religion and gov-
ernment are separated. Read to learn about the rela-
tionship between religion and government in the
Byzantine Empire.
As you learned earlier, the church of
Rome survived the fall of the Western
Roman Empire. Its head, the pope, became
the strongest leader in Western Europe.
Under the pope, the Latin churches of the
region became known as the Roman
Catholic Church. In the East, however, the
Roman Empire continued. It developed
into the Byzantine Empire (BIH zuhn TEEN
EHM PYR). Like Roman Catholics in the
West, the Byzantines developed their own
form of Christianity. It was based on their
Greek heritage and was known as the
Eastern Orthodox Church.
Church and State Church and government
worked closely together in the Byzantine
Empire. The Byzantines believed their
emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth.
The emperor was crowned in a religious
The emperor also chose the patriarch of
Constantinople, the leading church official
in the Byzantine Empire. In this way, the
emperor controlled the Church as well as
the government. Byzantines believed that
God wanted them to preserve and spread
Christianity. All Church and government
officials were united in this goal.
Scala/Art Resource, NY
358-364 C10S3-875047 9/16/06 6:02 PM Page 359
360 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
however, claimed that icons were symbols
of God’s presence in daily life. These
images, they also said, helped explain
Christianity to people.
Emperor Leo III did not approve of
icons. In A.D. 726 he ordered all icons
removed from the churches. Government
officials who carried out his orders were
known as iconoclasts (eye KAHnuh KLASTS),
or image breakers. We use this word today
to mean someone who attacks traditional
beliefs or institutions.
Most Byzantines, many church leaders,
and even the pope in Rome opposed the
emperor’s order. In fact, the dispute over
icons damaged ties between the churches of
Rome and Constantinople. Over the next
100 years, the argument cooled, and the
use of icons became accepted once again.
They are still an important part of Eastern
Orthodox religious practice.
Conflicts Between Churches Icons were
not the only issue that caused bitterness
between the churches of Constantinople
and Rome. The most serious argument was
about how churches were to be run. The
pope claimed that he was the head of all
Christian churches. The Byzantines did not
accept the pope’s claim. They believed the
patriarch of Constantinople and other bish-
ops were equal to the pope.
Making matters worse was the fact that
each church sometimes refused to help the
other when outsiders attacked. In the late
A.D. 700s, the Byzantine emperor refused to
help the pope when Italy was invaded. The
pope turned instead to a Germanic people
called the Franks for help. The Franks were
Roman Catholics and loyal to the pope.
The pope was grateful to the Franks
for stopping the invasion. In A.D. 800 he
gave the Frankish king, Charlemagne
(SHAHRluh MAYN), the title of emperor. This
angered the Byzantines. They believed the
leader of the Byzantines was the only true
Roman emperor.
This conflict pointed out the differences
in how each church felt about relations with
the government. In the Byzantine Empire,
the emperor was in control, with church
leaders respecting his wishes. In the West,
however, the pope claimed both spiritual
and political power. He often quarreled
with kings over church and government
Byzantine cross
This icon on wood
shows the archangel
Gabriel, who served
as a messenger for
God according to
the Bible. What
reasons were given
to support the use
of icons?
(t)Scala/Art Resource, NY, (b)Michael Holford
358-364 C10S3-875047 9/16/06 6:04 PM Page 360
Finally, after centuries of tension, the
pope and the patriarch of Constantinople
took a drastic step in their ongoing feud.
In A.D. 1054 they excommunicated (EHK
skuh MYOO nuh KAY tuhd) each other.
Excommunication means to declare that a
person or group no longer belongs to the
church. This began a schism (SIHzuhm), or
separation, of the two most important
branches of Christianity. The split between
the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Churches has lasted to this day.
How did church
and government work together in the Byzantine
Christian Ideas Spread
Christians founded new communities
and spread their faith to various parts of Europe.
Reading Focus Have you ever tried to get someone
to believe something you believe? Read to learn how
Christians spread their faith across Europe.
After the fall of Rome, the people of
Western Europe faced confusion and con-
flict. As a result, people were looking for
order and unity. Christianity helped to meet
this need. It spread rapidly into lands that
had once been part of the Roman Empire. It
Spread of Christianity A.D. 325–1100
Christian areas by
Added by
Added by
Added by
Added by
By the year A.D. 1100, Christianity had
spread throughout Western and Eastern
Europe, as well as north into Scandinavia.
1. In what time period did Christianity
spread throughout Britain?
2. What areas were the last to convert to
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 361
358-364 C10S3-875047 9/16/06 6:08 PM Page 361
Missionaries of many
different religions work around the
world today. While sharing their
religious message, they also help the
poor and the sick. Many are not monks
or nuns. Some people volunteer for mission
trips that can last for weeks or months.
Would you be interested in doing mission work?
Why or why not?
Apostles, followers, monks, and nuns spread
Christianity throughout western Asia and the
Roman Empire. Paul of Tarsus traveled to
Greece, Turkey, and Damascus to tell Jews
and Gentiles about Christianity. Monks
and nuns served as missionaries, in
addition to providing community
services such as medical care and
Benedictine monks
A Catholic missionary in Senegal
362 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
also brought new ways of thinking and liv-
ing to these areas.
What Are Monasteries? During the
A.D. 300s, a new kind of religious group was
born in the Eastern Roman Empire. Men
called monks banded together in religious
communities called monasteries (MAHnuh
STEHR eez). Some monasteries were built near
cities, while others arose in isolated areas.
One of the earliest monks was Anthony,
who founded a monastery in the deserts of
Egypt. Monks tried to live a spiritual life
apart from the temptations of the world.
Many also tried to do good deeds and be
examples of Christian living. Women soon
followed the monks’ example and formed
communities of their own. These women
were called nuns, and they lived in convents.
In the early
A.D. 400s, Paula, a Roman
widow, gave up her wealth and went to
Palestine. There she built churches, a hospi-
tal, and a convent. Well-educated, Paula
helped a scholar named Jerome translate
the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into
(l)Galleria dell' Accademia, Florence, Italy/Bridgeman Art Library, (r)PRAT/CORBIS
358-364 C10S3-875047 9/18/06 12:32 PM Page 362
A bishop called Basil (BAYzuhl) drew
up a list of rules for monks and nuns to
follow. This list, called the Basilian (buhZIH
leeuhn) Rule, became the model for Eastern
Orthodox religious life.
In the West, another set of rules
was followed. It was written by an
Italian monk named Benedict (BEH
nuh DIHKT). Monks who followed the
Benedictine Rule gave up their
belongings, lived simply, and spent
their time in work and prayer. Like
Basil’s rule in the East, Benedict’s
rule became the model for monas-
teries and convents in the West.
Basilian and Benedictine communi-
ties still exist today.
Monks and nuns began to play impor-
tant roles in Roman Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox life. They ran hospitals and
schools and aided the poor. They also helped
preserve Greek and Roman writings. One
important duty was to serve as missionaries
(MIHshuhNEHR eez). Missionaries teach their
religion to those who are not followers.
Christianity Spreads North Among the
most successful Byzantine missionaries
were two brothers, Cyril (SIHR uhl) and
Methodius. They carried the Christian mes-
sage to the Slavs, a people of Eastern Europe.
About A.D. 863, Cyril invented a new
alphabet. He wanted to present the Christian
message in the Slavic languages. He believed
that people would be more interested in
Christianity if they could worship and read
the Bible in their own languages. The
Cyrillic (suh RIH lihk) alphabet was based
on Greek letters. It is still used today by
Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, and Bulgarians.
Eastern Orthodox missionaries traveled
in northern lands that bordered the
Byzantine Empire. At the same time, other
missionaries from Rome were also busy.
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 363
Christianity Spreads West In the West,
Christian missionaries looked to the islands
of Britain (BRIH tuhn) and Ireland (EYER
luhnd). In the A.D. 300s, Roman soldiers in
Britain were called home to defend the
empire against Germanic invaders. When
the Romans left, Britain was opened to
attack by others.
Starting in the A.D. 400s, tribes from
what are today Germany and Denmark
invaded Britain. These people were the
Angles and the Saxons. These groups
united to become the Anglo-Saxons. They
built settlements and set up several small
kingdoms. The southern part of Britain
soon became known as Angleland, or
While invading Britain, the Angles and
Saxons pushed aside the people already
living there. These people were called
the Celts (KEHLTS). Some Celts fled to the
mountainous regions of Britain. Others went
to Ireland.
In the A.D. 400s, a priest named Patrick
brought Christianity to Ireland. He set up a
number of monasteries and churches. Over
The Cyrillic Alphabet
The Cyrillic Alphabet
Cyril, a Byzantine missionary, developed
the Cyrillic alphabet, part of which is
shown above. What peoples still use the
Cyrillic alphabet today?
C.M. Dixon/Photo Resources
358-364 C10S3-875047 9/16/06 6:13 PM Page 363
Reading Summary
Review the
In the Byzantine Empire,
Christianity developed into
the Eastern Orthodox Church,
which in time split with the
Roman Catholic Church in
the West.
Eastern Orthodox and Catholic
missionaries helped spread
Christianity to areas such
as Eastern Europe, Ireland,
and Britain.
1. What are icons, and why was
their use controversial?
2. What roles did monks and
nuns play in Roman Catholic
and Eastern Orthodox life?
Critical Thinking
3. Cause and Effect Draw a
diagram to show the causes
that led to the schism between
the Roman Catholic and
Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Describe How did Cyril make
the Christian message available
to the Slavs?
What role did the
Frankish king Charlemagne
play in the schism between the
Roman Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox Churches?
Why do you think the
Basilian and Benedictine Rules
were put in place for monks?
Expository Writing Write
a newspaper article that
describes the spread of
Christianity to Ireland and
What Did You Learn?
Study Central
Need help with the
material in this section? Visit
364 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
the next centuries, Irish monks played an
important role in preserving Christian and
Roman learning.
The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Britain
were slower than Ireland to accept the
new religion. In A.D. 597 Pope Gregory I
sent about 40 monks from Rome to take
Christianity to England.
The missionaries converted Ethelbert,
the ruler of the English kingdom of Kent.
Ethelbert allowed the missionaries to build
a church in his capital city of Canterbury. In
about 100 years, most of England was
Christian. Today, Canterbury is still an
important center of Christianity in England.
Why were Basil
and Benedict important?
Roman Catholic
and Eastern
Churches split
Gregory was a monk before he became
Pope Gregory I in the late 500s. How did
Gregory impact Christianity in England?
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358-364 C10S3-824133 3/17/05 1:27 PM Page 364
The Spread of Christian Ideas
The Christian Church
The First Christians
Focusing on the
Roman rule of Judaea led some Jews to oppose Rome peacefully, while
others rebelled.
(page 343)
Jesus of Nazareth preached of God’s love and forgiveness. According to
Christian scriptures, Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.
(page 344)
Jesus’ life and a belief in his resurrection led to a new religion called
(page 348)
Focusing on the
Christianity won many followers and eventually
became the official religion of the Roman
(page 352)
Early Christians set up a church organization
and explained their beliefs.
(page 355)
Focusing on the
Church and government worked closely together in the Byzantine Empire.
(page 359)
Christians founded new communities and spread their faith to various
parts of Europe.
(page 361)
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 365
Saint Matthew
Study anywhere, anytime!
Download quizzes and flash cards
to your PDA from
Cott Nero DIV f.25v Portrait of St. Matthew/British Library, London/Bridgeman Art Library
365-367 C10CRA-875047 9/16/06 6:22 PM Page 365
366 CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity
Sequence Clues
Looking for Sequence Clues
Find the words in each of these sentences
that help you identify the order in which
events occur.
15. At the same time, many Christians started
to accept the empire.
16. While on the road to Damascus, Paul had
an unusual experience.
17. It is still used today by Russians,
Ukrainians, Serbs, and Bulgarians.
18. The southern part of Britain soon became
known as Angleland, or England.
19. After Jesus’ death, his followers made a
startling claim.
20. At first, they ruled through Jewish kings.
To review this skill,see pages 340–341.
Review Vocabulary
1. Write a paragraph about the basic beliefs
of Christianity using the following words.
resurrection gospel
Write the vocabulary word that completes each
sentence. Then write a sentence for each word
not chosen.
a. laity e. parables
b. missionaries f. schism
c. martyrs g. apostle
d. iconoclasts h. pope
2. Jesus told symbolic stories called ___.
3. The bishop of Rome was called the ___.
4. The ___ in the Christian churches hap-
pened in
A.D. 1054.
5. Christians who died for their faith were ___.
Review Main Ideas
Section 1 • The First Christians
6. How did Jews react to the Roman rule of
7. On what is Christianity based?
Section 2 • The Christian Church
8. How did the Roman Empire eventually
recognize Christianity?
9. What did early Christians do to organize
their religion?
Section 3 • The Spread of Christian Ideas
10. What was the relationship between the
church and the government in the
Byzantine Empire?
11. How and where did the Christian religion
Critical Thinking
12. Analyze Why do you think Jesus’ follow-
ers remembered his teachings more when
he used parables?
Contrast How did Jews and Christians
differ in their belief about Jesus and his
Predict How would the growth of
Christianity have been affected if the
emperor Constantine had not become a
365-367 C10CRA-824133 3/22/04 10:48 PM Page 366
500 km
500 mi.
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection
Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea
Red Sea
Spread of Christianity
Geography Skills
Study the map below and answer the follow-
ing questions.
Human/Environment Interaction What
geographical feature do you think most
helped the spread of Christianity?
Location By A.D. 325, Christianity had
spread to which continents?
Region Why do you think the cities of
Judaea were all important centers of
Read to Write
24. Creative Writing Rewrite the parable of
the Good Samaritan as if the events took
place in the present day. Read your parable
to your classmates, and explain any
changes in the meaning that occurred
as you modernized it.
Using Your Use your foldable
to write three sentences that summarize
the main ideas of this chapter. Share your
sentences with the class, and listen to their
sentences. Then vote for the one you think
best summarizes the chapter.
Using Technology
26. Reviewing Media Use a video or DVD
player to view one of the many films made
about the life of Jesus or the impact of
Christianity on the people of the Roman
Empire. Some examples are Ben Hur, The
Robe, The Silver Chalice, and The Greatest
Story Ever Told. After you watch the movie,
write a review of it. Based on what you
have learned about the Roman Empire and
Christianity, how accurate is the movie?
How does it present Jesus, his early follow-
ers, the different Jewish groups in Judaea,
and the Romans? Share your review with
your classmates.
Linking Past and Present
27. Recognizing Patterns Conduct research
to find out the number of people world-
wide who are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist,
Hindu, and Muslim. Also record the
countries where people of each religion
live. What do you notice about religions
in different regions of the world?
Self-Check Quiz To help you prepare for
the Chapter Test, visit
Benedict wrote of the importance of
keeping busy.
“Idleness [inactivity] is the enemy of the
soul. Therefore should the brethren be
occupied at stated times in manual labour,
and at other fixed hours in sacred reading.
—Benedict, The Rule,
“Of the Daily Manual Labour”
28. What does Benedict mean when he says
inactivity is “the enemy of the soul”?
29. What do you think probably follows
these lines?
CHAPTER 10 The Rise of Christianity 367
Main areas of Christian growth
Areas largely Christian by
365-367 C10CRA-824133 5/2/05 1:18 AM Page 367