Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development
The ‘Preferred Sites’ Consultation Document is available on the Shropshire Council
website at:
The Consultation runs from Thursday 29th November 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019.
This questionnaire has been provided to allow comment on the ‘Preferred Sites’ Consultation.
We advise you read through all the information provided in support of this consultation prior to
starting your response. We would also suggest that you have a copy of the ‘Preferred Sites
Consultation Document available to refer to as you work through the questions.
If when completing this Questionnaire your answer requires more space than allowed, please
feel free to continue on a separate piece of paper and submit this alongside the completed
Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be
subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with the access to information legislation
(primarily the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004).
Once completed, this questionnaire can be submitted by:
Email to:
If submitting your own response, please enter your last name in the subject field of the email;
If submitting a response on behalf of a client, please enter their last name in the subject field of the
Post to: Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Abbey
Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Sites Consultation
Respondent Information
1. Please provide the following information about yourself:
Please note: we cannot accept anonymous responses.
Your Name:
Company Name (if relevant):
Position (if relevant):
Post Code:
Phone Number(s):
Email Address:
2. If you are responding on behalf of a client, please provide the following information:
Client Name:
Client Address:
Client Post Code:
Client Phone Number(s):
Client Email Address:
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Sites Consultation
Delivering Local Housing Needs
3. Do you think Shropshire Council should introduce a cross-subsidy exception site policy,
allowing an element of open market housing to support the delivery of affordable housing?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
This policy would supplement national policy within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
4. Which option would be preferred (subject to viability assessment):
Development mix to be assessed on a site by site basis; OR
A set development mix (comprising rented/low cost home ownership, secured as affordable in
perpetuity and sufficient open market housing to cross-subsidise these properties).
This mix will be geographically defined and subject to findings of a viability assessment undertaken
as part of the Local Plan Review.
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
The emphasis will be on maximising development of local needs rented/low-cost home ownership
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Sites Consultation
Windfall Development
The Local Plan supports appropriate windfall development where it complies with the policies within the
Local Plan. As such, Shropshire has historically always had high levels of residential and employment
windfall development.
5. Do you consider that it is appropriate for some settlements to include a windfall allowance to
help deliver their housing guideline?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
6. Do you consider that this is appropriate for some settlements to include a windfall allowance
to help deliver their employment guideline?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
Shropshire Council considers it appropriate to identify employment allocations only within the Strategic /
Principal Centres and the Key Centres located within the Green Belt.
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Sites Consultation
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area
29. Minsterley:
a) Do you agree with the identification of Minsterley as a Community Hub*?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
*The exercise undertaken to identify Community Hubs is summarised within the Hierarchy of Settlements
Document available at:
b) Do you agree with the preferred housing guideline for Minsterley?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
c) Do you agree with the proposed development boundary for Minsterley?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
d) Do you agree with the preferred housing allocation MIN018 in Minsterley?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area
30. Pontesbury:
a) Do you agree with the identification of Pontesbury as a Community Hub*?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
*The exercise undertaken to identify Community Hubs is summarised within the Hierarchy of Settlements
Document available at:
b) Do you agree with the preferred housing guideline for Pontesbury?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
c) Do you agree with the proposed development boundary for Pontesbury?
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
d) Do you agree with the preferred housing allocation PON008, PON017 and PON030 in
Don't know / no opinion
Please use this space to make any comments about this:
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Sites Consultation
Further Information
63. Do you think any additional ‘Community Clusters’ to those identified in within the Preferred
Sites Consultation Document should be formed? Or any of the existing ‘Community
Clusters’ identified within the Preferred Sites Consultation Document should be removed?
Yes - added
Yes - removed
Don't know / no opinion
Please use the space to make any comments on Community Cluster(s).
Please also use this space to specify the Community Cluster(s) you feel should be added
or removed and any community support you are aware of for this proposal:
64. Please use the space below to make any further comments on this Consultation:
Call for Sites Gypsies and Travellers
Alongside the ‘Preferred Sites’ Consultation, Shropshire Council is undertaking a ‘Call for Sites
to identify sites available to meet the potential accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers.
If you are aware of a site that you consider may be appropriate to meet these needs, please
provide relevant details using the ‘Call for Sites’ Form available on the Shropshire Council
website at:
Once completed, this questionnaire can be submitted by:
Email to:
If submitting your own response, please enter your last name in the subject field of the email;
If submitting a response on behalf of a client, please enter their last name in the subject field of
the email.
Post to: Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Abbey
Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND
Minsterley and Pontesbury Place Plan Area