Personal Profile and Survey
Name: ____________________________________ Anticipated arrival: ______________
For Employee Use
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Report: ____________
Prior Versions No Longer Valid
Married – Veteran Only Applying
Married – Couple Applying
1. In which of the Armed Forces were you a member? __________________________________________
2. Any Military Associations or Community service? __________________________________________
3. What was your primary military profession or job? __________________________________________
4. Did you have any civilian or other career? __________________________________________
5. Do you have any hobbies or interests? __________________________________________
6. What is your educational background? Do you have any of the following types of experience?
High School Community/Trade School College/University Post-Graduate Education
7. How does your health compare with others your age?
Very healthy Fairly healthy Average health Below average health
8. Describe what your current living arrangements are:
Own Home Rent/Lease Retirement Community Living with family member
9. Do you currently live in a:
House Townhouse Apartment Condo Mobile Home
Other type of home: ________________________________________________________________
10. Which of the following factors are prompting you to apply for residency at this time? (select three)
Difficult to maintain Lack of security Healthcare needs Want community
High cost of living Need entertainment Loneliness Ready to downsize
11. Do you have any denominational/religious preferences? _______________________________________
12. Have you ever applied to AFRH or been a resident here? Yes No
13. When determining where you want to live, how important are the following factors?
Need to be independent
Want to be near friends
Want to live near my family
Ease of access to medical care
Ease of access to shopping
Want to lower cost of living
Veteran friendly community
Want to live in a different climate