LAUSD/UTLA Peer Assistance and Review Program
Application for Coaching Support
The Peer Assistance and Review Program’s highly-trained Consulting Teachers (CTs) provide
confidential, one-on-one coaching support for LAUSD classroom teachers. Our CTs can help you
reflect on and grow in the Teaching and Learning Framework (TLF) areas that you select.
This application starts the process of requesting a CT to work with you!
Your Information (Please Print or Type)
Grade Level / Content Area
Home or Cell Phone Number
Please Check One:
☐ I am requesting a CT for the 2020-2021 School Year
☐ I am requesting a CT for the 2021-2022 School Year
Please Check One:
☐ I am a new teacher (C2)
☐ I am a permanent teacher (C3)
Please note: Submission of this application does not constitute acceptance into the PAR Program. Applicants are accepted based upon the
availability of resources. This service is available to all LAUSD teachers, but non-permanent teachers will receive priority.
Additional Information
I would like to focus on
(check all that apply):
☐ Planning and Preparation
(TLF Standard 1)
☐ Classroom Environment
(TLF Standard 2)
☐ Delivery of Instruction
(TLF Standard 3)
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about your
request? Use the box below.
Submitting Your Application
Email your completed application to peerassistance@lausd.net.
click to sign
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