Prohibitions applicable to certain aliens. Federal law makes it unlawful for aliens who are illegally or unlawfully in
the United States to receive or possess firearms. In addition, subject to certain exemptions, aliens who are in a non-
immigrant status are prohibited from possessing or receiving firearms in the United States.
A non-immigrant alien is not subject to this prohibition if the alien falls into certain categories such as but not limited to:
1) Is in possession of a valid hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States; OR
2) Is an official representative of a foreign government who is accredited to the United States Government or his
or her government’s mission to an international organization having its headquarters in the United States; OR
3) Has received a waiver from the prohibition from the Attorney General of the United States. See 18 USC
922(y)(2) for additional exceptions.
In order to determine whether applicants who are not U.S. citizens are prohibited from possessing firearms under
Federal law, it is necessary to obtain answers to the following questions.
Are you a citizen of the United States?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If your answer to Question 2 is “YES”, there is no need to answer Questions 3-8.
Go directly to the certification statement in Question 9.
SHERIFF: If the answer to Question 2 is “YES”, use “C” in the Citizenship (CTZ) field of the QNP transaction.
What is your country of citizenship? List more than one if applicable.
What is your place of birth? (City and Country)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What is your INS-issued alien number or admission number?
Are you an alien illegally in the United States?
Are you a non-immigrant alien?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SHERIFF: If the answer to Question 7 is “YES”, proceed to Question 8a.
If the answer to Question 7 is “NO”, use “F” in the Citizenship (CTZ) field of the QNP transaction.
Do you fall within any of the exemptions to the non-immigrant alien prohibitions set forth in 18 USC 922(y)?
SHERIFF: If the answer to Question 8a is “YES”, proceed to Question 8b. If the answer to Question 8a is
“NO”, the NICS check cannot be initiated. As a non-immigrant, the subject is ineligible to
purchase, possess, or redeem a firearm if they do not meet one of the non-immigrant exemptions.
If you answered “YES” to Question 8a, under which exemption do you fall?
Please attach documentation to support your entitlement to the claimed exemption, if applicable.
SHERIFF: Validate the exemption item and indicate the exemption in the Exception Documentation (EXC)
field of the QNP transaction. Then place “F” in the Citizenship (CTZ) field of the QNP transaction.
I certify that the above answers are true and correct.
Supplementary Questions SBI PTP – Revised 04/25/2016