Office of Open Government * 441 4th Street, NW, Suite 540 South * Washington, DC 20002 * (202) 481-3411 *
The Office of Open Government (OOG) is an independent office under the Board of Ethics and
Government Accountability (BEGA), charged with advancing open governance in the District of Columbia.
The OOG ensures city-wide compliance with the Open Meetings Act, which requires all public bodies
gathered to consider, conduct or advise on public business to take all official action during public
meetings and to provide proper notice and detailed records of meetings.
The OMA Complaint Form may be submitted in person, online at, or via U.S Postal Service
at the Office of Open Government, 441 4th Street, Suite 830 South. Complaints submitted by mail should
be marked on the outside of the envelope Open Meetings Complaint. Complaints may also be
submitted by electronic mail at The submission of complaints via the Website is
encouraged so that information is complete, but is not required. The Director will confirm receipt of a
complaint within five (5) business days upon receipt of the complaint. The Director will review a
complaint within within fourteen (14) business days.
Complaints should include details of the meeting complained of, including the Public Body, the date, and
to the extent possible the specific provision(s) of the Open Meetings Act alleged to have been violated.
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Specific person(s), if any, you allege
the violation:
of alleged violation:
Description of Alleged Violation
Describe the alleged violation. If record(s) could substantiate the complaint, the complaint should identify
the supporting record(s); including the location of the record(s). Audio and video records should be
accompanied by relevant timestamp information.
Note: This text field has a maximum of 3000 characters.
What action do you want the public body to take in response to your complaint?
Note: This text field has a maximum of 500 characters.
Disclosure of Your Complaint
Under most circumstances, your complaint, and any documents submitted with your complaint, will be
considered a
public record and available to any member of the public upon request. In response to such a request,
the office of Open Government generally will not disclose
your contact information.
Withdrawal of a Compliant
A complainant may request at any time prior to any of the above actions being taken by the Director, that
his/her request be withdrawn from further review. Any such request to withdraw the complaint must be
made in writing with “Open Meetings Complaint Withdrawal” on the envelope or in the subject line or heading
of electronic correspondence sent to