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Course Planning Record – Going into Year 10
Completing this booklet is Part 1 of the subject selection process
Check the appropriate boxes as you work through the process
- PART 1 – COURSE PLANNING RECORD involves completing and recording your progress through each of the steps
on this page
- Read the Marryatville Curriculum Model for Intermediate Years (in this booklet)
- Make sure you are familiar with the requirements for the Year 10 subject patterns
- Make sure you have the correct subject selection form– Elective Music, Special Interest Music, Special Interest
tennis, and are familiar with any specialist requirements
☐ I have read the Marryatville Curriculum Model for Intermediate Years (in this booklet)
☐ I understand the requirements for the relevant band of schooling (check relevant boxes below): Intermediate years ☐
Year 10
My pathway is: ☐Mainstream ☐ Elective Music ☐ Special Interest Music ☐ Specialist Tennis
I need more information /clarification on:
Me as a Learner
- Complete any relevant activities in Home Group/Student Life to identify/affirm your interests and strengths or
preferred career or study pathways
- Make brief notes on any career options, pathways, strengths or passions that will influence your course planning
over the coming years(s)
My major areas of strength and passion are:
☐ I have completed the Student Life activities that will assist me with my course planning and selection.
- Teachers will have prepared RECOMMENDATIONS to inform your selections in some subjects
- Check what subjects have you been recommended against and enter these in the adjacent column
- If you wish to choose AGAINST a subject recommendation you will need to complete PART 4B before selecting
Subjects not recommended for:
N/A☐ Yes ☐ I have checked my subject recommendations and summarised these above
N/A☐ Yes ☐ I have considered the implications of these recommendations on my plans for next year
N/A☐ Yes ☐ I wish to choose AGAINST a subject recommendation and will complete PART 4B
- In preparation for selecting your subjects have a look at the list of subjects on offer
- Read course descriptions for any that interest to you and look at the Year 10 samples
- Check the Learning Area Flow Charts for any prerequisites for future study pathways or subject choices. Some
SACE pathways require particular choices in Year 10.
- Use PART 2 - YEAR 10 PLANNER to:
1. write in subjects already studies in Year 9
2. consider any subjects you may have/want Year 11 & 12
3. plan out your possible subjects for Year 10 accordingly
- Note: Compulsory course = purple boxes, Required courses = blue boxes, Free Choice = green boxes
- Select required choices (blue boxes) from the Year 10 subject list only
- Some free choice subjects are available to select at Year 9 or 10 (see table of subjects)
- No more than four free choices are permitted from any single learning area. (including reserves)
- If you wish to choose a ‘Taste of SACE’ ADVANCEMENT in a subject, you will need to complete PART 4A before you
can select it.
I need more information about:
☐ I have read the subject descriptors for subjects of interest to me
☐ I have checked the relevant Learning Area Flow Charts for any prerequisites for future study pathways or subject choices.
☐ I am aware that some SACE pathways require particular choices in Year 10
☐ I have completed the PART 2 Year 10 PLANNER
N/A☐ Yes ☐ I wish to choose ADVANCEMENT in a subject and will complete PART 4A
- Compulsory courses (purple boxes) are prefilled on the PART 3 - SUBJECT SELECTION SHEET
- Firstly, select subject PREFERENCES by filling each of the blue and green boxes
- Then select RESERVES to fill the orange boxes. These must be selected according to the requirements in each box
ie. The Arts or Technologies or Free Choice Reserve. Free choice Reserves should be in priority order.
☐ I have selected filled all boxes on my selection sheet with choices
☐ I understand that it may not be possible to get all my preferences for courses. I have selected Reserve courses for each
learning area. I understand that I may be assigned alternate courses if my preferences are not available.
☐ I have attended a mentoring appointment to discuss my final selections with my Home Group teacher
Web Preferences
- log into Web Preferences using the details and instructions provided via email
- Enter PREFERENCES from the blue & green boxes on your selection sheet
- Enter RESERVES from the orange boxes in priority order
My login details are:
☐ I have submitted my final selections via the online portal
- Only one ADVANCEMENT subject can be selected in Year 10
must be approved & signed by parents & Faculty Leader before selecting the subject
- If relevant, submit a hard copy of these to your Home Group teacher
N/A☐ ☐ I have completed a ‘PART 4 A - ADVANCEMENT Application Form’
N/A☐ ☐ I have submitted a printed copy of PART 4A to my HG teacher
N/A☐ ☐ I have completed a ‘PART 4 B - Choice AGAINST Recommendation Declaration’
N/A☐ ☐ I have submitted a printed copy of PART 4B to my HG teacher
- Complete PART 5 – FINAL DECLARATION with all required signatures
- Submit a hard copy to your HG teacher
- Submit this completed BOOKLET via Daymap
N/A☐ ☐ I have completed PART 5 – FINAL DECLARATION with parent and HG teacher acknowledgements
☐ I have submitted a printed copy of PART 5 to my HG teacher
☐ I have completed and submitted this booklet via Daymap