The JFMIP Principals will present the awards
at the JFMIP Federal Financial Management
Webinar Event on October 21, 2020.
All government employees who are senior
executives and have demonstrated outstanding
distinguished leadership resulting in effective
nancial management improvements over
the years are eligible to be nominated.
Nominees from small entities with fewer than
1,300 full-time employees will receive every
consideration provided they meet the selection
criteria. Previous nominees may be nominated
provided they meet the other provisions of
this announcement. The nomination should be
updated to include the latest achievements of
the nominee.
The Awards Committee will base its
determinations on two factors: sustained
leadership in nancial management and
specic accomplishments in nancial
management. For purposes of this award,
the term nancial management has been
interpreted to include, but is not limited to,
the following areas: accounting, auditing,
information technology, budgeting, asset
management, control and allocation of
resources, cost reduction, nancial analysis,
nancial systems development, management
analysis, planning, productivity measurement
and improvements, and nancial and
performance reporting.
The Awards Committee will give substantial
weight to sustained, high-quality leadership in
nancial management over the years
Long-term or lasting benet of the
nominee’s accomplishments and/or
exemplary leadership on the efciency,
effectiveness, and economy of government
Measurable improvements in
nancial management technology or
methodology resulting from the nominee’s
Innovation of the nominee’s
The impact of the nominee’s
accomplishments on government nancial
management policies and practices.
The impact of the nominee’s
accomplishments on his or her agency’s
nancial management as a result of
improving human capital management.
The extent to which the improvements
would have been impossible or signicantly
lessened without the nominee’s involvement.
The Awards Committee will also consider a
series of specic accomplishments for which
the nominee is primarily responsible and
where the results can be measured specically
in terms of improvement in service, substantial
savings, or signicant technological progress
adaptable to a wide range of government
nancial management operations.