--------------------------------------------------- PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ABOUT THIS LINE – FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ---------------------------------------------------
1. PRINT OR TYPE, except where signatures are required. The registered owner(s) (or TICA recorded lessee(s)) of the sire at the time of mating MUST sign in Section B and the
registered owner(s) (or TICA recorded lessee(s)) of the dam at the time of mating MUST sign in Section C. If the cat is owned/leased by Smith/Jones, then either owner(s)/lessee(s)
may sign, however, if the cat is owned/leased by Smith AND Jones, then both owner(s)/lessee(s) must sign. Applications will be returned to obtain correct information, signature(s)
or fees.
2. To register the LITTER AS A UNIT ONLY, complete Sections A, B, C, and D. In Section D, you MUST mark LH or SH (Longhair or Shorthair). Std or NStd (Standard or Non-Standard)
are terms for mutation breeds and may be used for whatever mutation exists for the breed being registered. For example: Manx/Cymric have Short Tails (Std) or Long Tails (NStd);
American Curl/American Curl Longhair have Curled-Ears (Std) or Straight Ears (NStd); Munchkin/Munchkin Longhair have Short Legs (Std) or Long Legs (NStd); Curly-haired breeds
have Curly Hair (Std) or Straight Hair (NStd), etc.
3. To register the litter AND Individually Register Kittens from the Litter, complete Sections A, B, C, D, AND E (enter ONLY the information on the kitten to be registered). A cat's
name, including cattery names and the word "of" may not exceed 35 letters/characters/spaces combined. Any use of the word "of" in any language may denote a cattery suffix, and
foreign translations for the word "of" will not be allowed i.e., a, de, etc. If the word following the word "of" is NOT a TICA registered cattery name, or is not the owner's registered
cattery name, it will be automatically dropped. When the name of the cat is longer than 35 letters/characters/spaces, the cattery suffix will be automatically dropped. Two choices
may be entered for the name of the cat in SECTION E. The owner's name, address, and city are not allowed in the name of the cat unless it is a TICA registered cattery. The names
of cats may not be changed in any manner after they have been registered, except for the correction of clerical errors in the Executive Office; the addition of a cattery name as
provided in Registration Rules, 8.7, 8.8, and 8.10; to re-register as Household Pets, TICA registered championship class cats pursuant to Show Rules, 23.7.2; or pursuant to the
Registration Rules 39.9.4. Names of cats and catteries may not be duplicated. Punctuation marks of any kind (&, ', #, etc.) are not allowed in the name of the cat Cats may not be
named after an ancestor without written permission of the owner of the ancestor; a letter attesting to such permission is to be filed with the Executive Office. See Registration
Rules 39.9.4.
4. SECTION B: (Effective 05/01/91) It is not required that the sire be TICA registered, however, if the sire is not TICA registered, a copy of his certified pedigree from a recognized
registering body showing three generations of pedigree or pedigree to the extent of his registration in the other association must accompany the application for litter registration. If
the sire's certified pedigree is already on file in the Executive Office, the application must so state. The sire may be registered at the same time as the litter by providing a copy of a
certificate from another association and a three-generation pedigree listing all names, registration numbers and colors (Fee $20).
5. SECTION C: The DAM must be TICA registered and the registration number indicated in the space provided, unless the DAM is being registered at the same time as the litter. The
registered owner(s) (or TICA recorded lessee(s)) of the DAM at the time of mating is always shown as the breeder. The breeder's cattery name is NOT used on the litter as a prefix
unless specified by the breeder in this section.
6. SECTION D: This section must be completed for each kitten. See #2 above.
7. SECTION E: Complete this section ONLY to register individual kittens directly from the litter. Enter two choices of names and name and address of owner(s). See #2 and #3
above. Mark NOT FOR SHOWING (NFS) or NOT FOR BREEDING (NFB) if appropriate.
Registration Fee - For The Litter As A Unit (TICA Sire And Dam)
Registration Fee - For The Litter As A Unit (TICA Dam Only)
Additional Fee For Individual Registration Of Each Kitten
Add a Pedigree to Your Order:
An official pedigree is a detailed record of your cat’s genealogy that documents each ancestor’s title status, color, and
registration number. Complete with the TICA logo and TICA’s official seal, the pedigree is laminated and ready to frame.
□ 3 Generation Pedigree - $25.00
□ 5 Generation Pedigree - $50.00
A vertical pedigree report is a detailed record of the colors on the registered littermates of your cat.
□ Vertical Pedigree Report - $10.00
A progeny report is a detailed record listing the offspring of your cat.
□ Progeny Report - $10.00
The International Cat Association, Inc.
Wherever you are, you’re in TICA’s World! Fabulous felines, fun and friendship.
Litter Registration
P: +1 956.428.8046 www.tica.org
F: +1 956.428.8047
Page 2 of 3 Revised: 26 Mar 2018