The Girl Scout Gold Award
Project Proposal
Girl Scouts of Central Texas
12012 Park Thirty-Five Circle
Austin, Texas 78753
Girl Scouts of Central Texas
Please use a computer to complete this form. Save copies for your Gold Award Project Advisor and for you
to keep. Save the file with your name and submit the original to the Program Specialist at the
Council Program Center a minimum of four weeks prior to the date you would like to start your
project by e-mailing to
Do NOT begin your project until you have received council approval, hours beyond research and
preparing the application MAY not be approved. If you have not received feedback within four
weeks, please contact council by e-mail or phone.
GSCTX Gold Award Resource Page:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail you check frequently:
Age: Grade: School:
Graduation Date:
Month/Year Registered as a High School Senior:
# of years in Girl Scouting:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Service Unit:
Troop/Group Advisor: Troop/Group Number:
Troop/Group Advisor's Phone: E-mail:
Girl Scout Gold Award Project Advisor:
Project Advisor's Organization:
Project Advisor's Phone: E-mail:
Date You Attended A Gold Award Workshop (Mandatory):
Girl Scout Silver Award Completion Name & Date:
Short Description of your Silver Award Project:
Council Where You Earned the Award:
1. Complete two Senior or Ambassador Journeys OR complete one Senior or
Ambassador Journey and have earned the Girl Scout Silver Award.
2. Thoroughly, read the Gold Award Guidelines, GSCTX Info Packet, and Gold Award Requirements
Summary found at
3. Submit the Gold Award Registration Form also found at
4. List the prerequisites that you have completed along with your troop/group volunteer's signature.
Senior/Ambassador Journey Books Date Completed Troop Volunteer's Signature
Your Team
List the names of individuals and organizations that you plan to work with on your Gold Award Take Action
project. This is a preliminary list that may grow through the course of your project. Attach your letter of
sustainability from your partner organization to this application with the signature (digital or written) of the
supervising person. Proposals without a corresponding letter of sustainability will not be approved.
Team Members Affiliation Role
The paperwork is typed in paragraph form with correct grammar and spelling.
The sustainability and support of the project has been fully addressed and documented with letters
from the collaborative organizations on official letterhead or email.
The project is financially feasible for the Girl Scout and a financial plan / budget is included.
The project described follows Girl Scout Safety-Wise guidelines.
The project described will require a minimum of 80 hours of productive time involvement.
The Girl Scout should exhibit responsibility, leadership and community involvement in her selection
of a project.
The Girl Scout should include an educational component or knowledge transfer to help support the
longevity of her project.
All questions listed on the proposal application have been thoroughly answered with relevant details.
Project Title:
Proposal Date:
Anticipated Start Date:
Anticipated Completion Date:
Anticipated Hours:
1. Describe in detail your Gold Award Project. Approach your description as if you were explaining this
issue to someone who had no background knowledge. What do you plan to do? Where will it be
held? What community will your project serve? How many people will be served by your project?
How will your project benefit others?
2. Describe your reasons for selecting this project? What are your specific goals for this project?
3. Describe the issue your project addresses and what impact you hope to make. What is the root
cause of the issue? How do you plan to address it? Please provide your research supporting the
4. What is the lasting effect on the community? How will your project be sustained
beyond your involvement?
5. Explain the national and/or global connection to your project (e.g., How does your project affect
other parts of the community/world? How does your project go beyond the community it serves?
How can your project benefit a larger audience? Please share your research showing the global
scope of issue?)
6. Describe what steps you plan to take to inspire others through sharing your project. (Web site, blog,
presentations, posters, videos, articles, and so on). Please consider how the community will be able
to find the information you share, what steps will you take to publicize it?
7. List the strengths, skills, talents, and abilities you believe you will need to develop or enhance to
complete your project.
8. Describe how you plan to earn money or fund this project. Keep in mind there are guidelines for
money earning that must be followed if you plan to earn the money. Check with your troop leader to
make sure you follow these guidelines. You will also have to complete forms for donated money
and items.
Additional Information:
Your Signature:
Project Advisor's Signature:
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
List all anticipated expenses associated with your project. Think through each step of the
process and outline what expenses you may incur along the way. Provide a brief explanation
of how you plan to earn money or fund this project. Your Expense and Income should match.
Expense Item Details Amount
Example: Materials Lumber from Lowes $120
Name: Project Title:
Total expenses:
To qualify as a Gold Award project requires a minimum of 80 hours working on your
Gold Award project. Your projected timeline must reflect your projected hours for your
proposal to be approved. In order to have an accurate understanding of your project, please
explain what activities you anticipate spending your time on throughout the course of this project. We
recommend that once approved you print the Gold Award Final Project paperwork and fill in the time log as
you work on your project. This will make completing your Final Paperwork much easier for you at the end of
your project! We also recommend taking lots of photos throughout to document your project for your Final
Date Description Time
Example: March 2019 Met with benefitting organization 2 hours
Additional Information: