ENB Form January 2019
The ENB SEQRA Notice Publication Form - Please check all that apply
Deadline: Notices must be received by 6 p.m. Wednesday to appear in the following Wednesday’s ENB
Negative Declaration - Type I Draft EIS
with Public Hearing
Conditioned Negative Declaration Generic
Positive Declaration
Draft Scope ____ Final EIS
with Public Scoping Session (optional) ____ Generic
Final Scope ____ Supplemental
DEC Region # ______ County: _________________ Lead Agency: ____________________________
Project Title:
Brief Project Description: The action involves . . .
Project Location (include street address/municipality):
Contact Person: _________________________
Address: ____________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Phone: _________________________ Fax: ________________________ E-mail: _________________
For Conditioned Negative Declaration / Draft Scope / Draft EIS: Public Comment Period ends: ___ / ___
For Public Hearing or Scoping Session: Date: ____ / ____ / _____ Time: _____:_____ am/pm
A hard copy of the Draft Scope/Final Scope/DEIS/FEIS is available at the following locations:
The online version of the Draft Scope/Final Scope/DEIS/FEIS is available at the following publically
accessible web site:
For Conditioned Negative Declaration: In summary, conditions include:
Reset Form
Town of Kingsbury Planning Board
The Applicant is proposing to construct a photovoltaic array system on a 195.7 acre parcel. The parcel will be
subdivided into three lots so that there is a 5MW AC photovoltaic array system on each parcel. The project will consist
of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic panels. The construction of the system will involve driving posts approximately
8' to 12' into the ground, or at depths appropriate for frost conditions, every 12' to 16' and mounting tracker panels
racks to the posts. The solar farm will operate as an energy generating facility as prescribed by the requirements of
the New York Independent System Operation. The project will provide clean energy to the existing electric grid.
Todd Humiston
6 Michigan Street