Rev 2/2020
The Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives you the right to request and obtain records
of public agencies within certain limitations. You may request records that are not already available on
the internet through the Town of Easton website. The Town has no obligation to and may not perform
analytical work, studies, investigations, calculations, program reviews or create any special/customized
document/materials or retrieval in response to a FOIA request. Only public documents/records that
currently exist are subject to the law. There is an established retention schedule for all Town Records per
the Connecticut State Library. Records that have exceeded the required retention may no longer be
FOIA Request:
To make a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), please review our guidelines and
FOIA Request Form. Anyone may request public records, and a purpose does not need to be stated.
There are no restrictions on the use of the records. The allotted initial response time for Connecticut
open records requests is four days for the agency to acknowledge receipt of the request. The FOIA
request to the Town of Easton should be in writing, detailing the type, subject matter, date(s) of the
records requested and format to receive document(s). Authorizations and/or other documentation should
be attached if needed. You may pick up an FOIA Request Form at the Town Hall Department you are
requesting information from or on the Town of Easton website www.eastonct.gov.
FOIA Fees (See Summary of Charges):
Please be advised that you or your designated representative will be offered the opportunity to review
responsive documents or materials at no charge. However, there will be charges associated with
allowing you to electronically scan materials and/or providing you with your own copies of materials to
accommodate your request. The fees will be charged in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes
(CGS §1-212), FOI Commission and Town of Easton Policies. FOI charges will not supersede allowable
fees. The Town is entitled to require prepayment of fees of ten dollars ($10.00) or more in accordance
with Connecticut Statute (CGS §1-212(c)). Requester will be advised in writing of cost to provide
information prior to request being fulfilled by the Town. A brief summary of charges for fulfilling FOIA
requests is attached.
To Submit FOIA Request:
Completed forms must be submitted to the appropriate Department in person, by mail (225 Center Road,
Easton, CT 06612), or email to the Department. Please note that your request is also a public record and
subject to disclosure.