The City of Phoenix is looking for citizens who would enjoy serving as a Planning
Commissioner. The Planning Commission works closely with the Planning Department staff
to improve the community through sound land use and related planning policy. It acts as a
citizen advisory body that informs and guides long-range and current planning polices and
decisions. In some instances, it provides recommendation to the City Council while acting of
its own accord in others.
The Planning Commission consists of seven members who are not elected officials or
employees of the City, each appointed to four-year terms. The function of the Planning
Commission DEPENDS on a reliable, engaged membership. This typically requires
approximately 5-10 hours a month to attend two regular meetings on the second and forth
Monday each month and the preparation required for those meetings. There may be times
when that commitment involves an additional meeting or two.
As a Planning Commissioner, you will most often be asked to determine whether or not a
land use application meets the approval criteria. Commissioners do not get to approve or
deny an application based on community input or their personal like or dislike of the project.
The Commission does get to weigh community input when the City is considering updates
to its long-term plans and changes to the Development Code.
In order to serve on the Planning Commission, you must reside within the City of Phoenix
Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and ideally inside the City limits.
Please be advised that members of City Council and the Planning Commission are required
to file an annual State of Economics Interest with the State of Oregon. Here is a link that will
help provide more information. https://www.oregon.gov/OGEC/Pages/efs.aspx
If you would like more information about the Planning Commission, please contact Evan
Mackenzie at 541-535-2050 or evan.mackenzie@phoenixoregon.gov.
Please return this application to the City Recorder, 112 W. 2
St., P. O. Box 330, Phoenix, OR
97535 or bonnie.pickett@phoenixoregon.gov
Planning Commission Application
112 W. 2
St. PO Box 330 - Phoenix, OR 97535 ph. (541) 535-1955
Street Address:
State Zip Code
Mailing Address:
State Zip Code
Telephone Number:
Home/Cell phone Work phone
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________ Years of Residency in Phoenix: _________
Occupation: _______________________________ Place of Employment: ________________________________
1. Please give a statement indicating reason you would like to serve on the Planning Commission.
2. What personal and/or professional experience do you possess that will help you to be a great planning
commissioner for the City of Phoenix? _____________________________________________________________
3. What do you like best about living in Phoenix? _____________________________________________________
4. What one thing would make Phoenix a better place to live? __________________________________________
Planning Commission Application
112 W. 2
St. PO Box 330 - Phoenix, OR 97535 ph. (541) 535-1955
5. What is an example of a great city, neighborhood, or other place, and what makes it great?
6. Are there any city planning issues that most interest or concern you? _________________________________
7. Do you feel as a citizen of the community that you are able to provide objective recommendations on
various land-use applications and other issues? ____________________________________________________
8. Do you feel you have any conflicts of interest that may arise due to your appointment to the PC?
9. List any special skills, interests, and hobbies that you believe would bring special value to your ability to
serve on this board: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. How did you hear about this position? ____________________________________________________________
11. Would you be interested in serving on advisory board in the future? __________________________________
Organization 1: ____________________________ ______________________ _________________
Name Type Phone Number
______________________________________________ _________________________ ___________________
Address Start Date End Date
Role: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
If you are still serving in this capacity, do you foresee any conflicts between this board and the position you currently
Yes No
Organization 1: ____________________________ ______________________ _________________
Name Type Phone Number
______________________________________________ _________________________ ___________________
Address Start Date End Date
Role: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
If you are still serving in this capacity, do you foresee any conflicts between this board and the position you currently
Yes No
____________________________ ___________________ ________________
Name Phone Number Related
____________________________ ___________________ ________________
Name Phone Number Related
____________________________ ___________________ ________________
Name Phone Number Related
My signature affirms that the information in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand
that misrepresentation and/or omission of facts are cause for removal from any advisory board, committee or
commission I may be appointed to. All information/documentation related to service on this board is subject to
public record disclosure.
Signature: Date:
Please return this application to the City Recorder, 112 W. 2
St., P. O. Box 330, Phoenix, OR 97535 or
click to sign
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