best of their ability, after essential bills are paid. If Gustavus is the primary place of
residence but the applicant is not currently in Gustavus due to medical reasons, please
provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper and submit with the application. The
applicant also agrees to assist in the verification of information provided in this
application and to provide additional information, if requested. The applicant agrees and
acknowledges that the City of Gustavus has not provided the applicant with any legal or
tax advice. The applicant agrees to defend and indemnify the City of Gustavus in any
action of any kind and any nature by any federal or state agency or any person relating
to or arising out of the applicant’s use of the funds.
Printed Name of Official Signer
Signature Date
Section 6: Comments. Briefly explain your answers to Section 3.
Remember to attach Proof of Eligibility as described in Section 2.
Received on: Received by:
Reviewed by:
Grant Approved: ⃝ Yes ⃝ No Funding Amount Approved:
Funds Disbursed on (date):
Payment to Official Signer: Check #:
Payment(s) to Applicant(s): Check #s:__________________________________________
Signature of Certifying Official: