Beneficiary Selection Form - Option D (If Member Dies Before Retirement)
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Section 12(2)(d)
Form Last Revised: February, 2020
The Beneficiary Selection Form - Option D allows a member to select an eligible beneficiary to receive an allow-
ance if the member dies before retirement. This is the Member Survivor allowance described at
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Section 12(2)(d) ("Option D").
The following needs to be kept in mind:
• This form must be filed with the retirement board.
• If you designate an eligible beneficiary on this form, and that beneficiary is living at the time of your
death, the money in your annuity account will not be disbursed to anyone in a one-time, lump-sum
payment, even if you have named them to receive such money on your Beneficiary Selection Form for
Refund of Accumulated Deductions.
• You may name only one person as the Option D beneficiary. That one person may be your spouse,
your former spouse who is not remarried at the time of your death, your child, your father, your
mother, your sister or your brother.
• If you select a beneficiary other than the spouse to whom you are married at the time of your death,
your selection on this form may be superseded by the eligible spouse under the provisions of Option
D if you die before retirement.
• If your personal situation changes (e.g. divorce, a domestic relations order goes into effect, your
beneficiary dies), you should file a new form with your retirement board.
• If you file a new Option D form with your retirement board, it will supersede any and all prior Option D
forms previously filed by you.
• When you sign this form, it should be witnessed by a disinterested party.
• To cancel an Option D beneficiary designation prior to retirement, your written notice must be filed
with the retirement board.
• This form becomes void upon your retirement.