The Arizona Department of Housing
2020 Information Bulletin
ISSUED: February 21, 2020
RE: AZ Balance of State Continuum of Care Governance Advisory Board
The Governance Advisory Board (GAB) for the AZ Balance of State Continuum of Care
(AZBOSCOC) is re-opening the application submission process to fill two upcoming vacant
positions on the AZBOSCOC Governance Advisory Board. At this time, based on current Board
composition and in accordance with the Governance Charter, the GAB is specifically seeking
individuals who represent one or more of the following relevant organizations: AZBOSCOC
funded program, law enforcement, businesses, hospital/health care, housing authorities,
institutions of higher learning, and domestic violence to fill the upcoming vacancies.
The thirteen member, AZBOSCOC Governance Advisory Board is the lead governing entity for
the AZBOSCOC providing leadership, strategic guidance and oversight of the AZBOSCOC. The
GAB is responsible for HUD HEARTH Act required Continuum of Care duties including
setting continuum and project performance standards, evaluation of COC funded projects,
establishing service standards, oversight of key systems (ex: Homeless Management
Information System and Coordinated Entry), GAB membership, and overseeing the annual
submission process of the AZBOSCOC request for HUD McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care
funding which provides over $4 million for housing and services throughout the thirteen
Balance of State counties. Key GAB member duties include: 1) attendance at quarterly meetings;
2) participation in any special meetings to fulfill duties; 3) participation in GAB committees; 4)
participation at two day annual retreat; and 5) participation in annual HUD McKinney-Vento
Continuum of Care application process. Please see the attached Board member job description.
There is no compensation for GAB participation
he AZBOSCOC and the Arizona Department of Housing comply with all non-discrimination
and equal opportunity laws and encourage participation regardless of age, race, ethnicity,
national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. If you are interested in being a
candidate for the AZBOSCOC Board, please complete the attached application form and attach
a resume describing your qualifications by Friday, February 28, 2020 by 5:00 pm. Please submit
documents to:
Mail: or E-Mail:
Ryan Vernick
COC Coordinator
AZ Department of Housing
1110 West Washington, Ste. 280
Phoenix, AZ 85007
1110 W. Washington, Suite 280 | Phoenix, AZ 85007
Telephone (602) 771-1000 | Facsimile (602) 771-1002 | TDY (602) 771-1001
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Governance Advisory Board
Job Description
Arizona Balance of State Continuum of Care Governance Advisory Board members are responsible for
the planning, coordination, and management of an effective and efficient homeless service system for
the balance of state of Arizona. Key Board duties include:
Developing and maintaining a homeless service system that covers and meets the unique needs
all balance of state communities.
Guiding the development of coordinated systems of care including HMIS, coordinated entry,
homeless engagement, and adequate housing and services.
Maintaining and expanding HUD Continuum of Care and other funding to meet the needs of
homeless individuals in all balance of state communities.
Experience and knowledge of the needs of homeless individuals and families in the balance of
state communities and strategies to assist them. Commitment to “end homelessness” using
evidence based models and housing first approach.
Willingness to represent your geographic, demographic (i.e. veterans community) or
Committed to a collaborative and solutions focused approach.
Advocate for the needs and issues of individuals and families experiencing homelessness and
strategies to end homelessness.
Must have ability to travel to Maricopa County (see below).
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Attend at least three (3) of the four (4) quarterly Governance Advisory Board meetings. At least
(2) meetings require in person attendance. Governance Advisory Board meetings do have
call-in functionality, as necessary.
Attend the three (3) day Annual Planning Retreat held in the spring.
Participate in at least one (1) Continuum of Care committee and participate in local continuum
governance meeting.
There are no financial commitments required of Board members.
Board members receive no financial re-numeration although reimbursement is available for
travel and lodging related to GAB meeting attendance.
1 Updated 01-15-20
Arizona Balance of State Continuum of Care (BOSCOC)
Application for Membership
BOSCOC Governance Advisory Board
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the BOSCOC Governance Advisory Board:
Please complete the following application and email to Ryan Vernick, AZBOSCOC Coordinator at If you have any questions, please call Ryan at 602-771-1017.
All applications must be received by January 31, 2020. Announcements will be made by February
28, 2020 if not earlier, so that new members can attend the Governance Advisory Board retreat
that takes place in spring. All applications will be reviewed by the Governance Advisory Board
current members.
Agency Represented (If applicable)
City, State, Zip Code
1. Please provide a brief summary about why you would like to be a member of the
Governance Advisory Board:
2. Please describe your experience and/or your agency’s experience related to persons who
have experienced homelessness.
2 Updated 01-15-20
3. Please describe your understanding of the Balance of State Continuum of Care?
4. How long have you been in your current position and how does your work relate to the
5. What sector(s) do you represent either as an individual or as a part of your agency?
(Check all that apply)
Local Government Staff
Local Government Officials
Law Enforcement
Local Jail
Crisis Response Teams
Mental Health Service Organization
Substance Abuse Service Organization
Affordable Housing Developers
Public Housing Authority
CoC funded Youth Homeless Organizations
Non CoC Funded Youth Homeless Organizations
School Administrators
School Homeless Liaisons
CoC Funded Victim Service Providers
Non CoC Funded Victim Service Providers
Street Outreach Teams
Youth Advocates
Agencies that serve survivors of human trafficking
Other homeless sub population advocates
Agencies that serve veterans
Persons who are homeless or were formerly
3 Updated 01-15-20
6. What committee(s) would you be interested in joining? (check all that apply)
Membership HMIS
Coordinated Entry Veterans’ Services
Focus Population-Domestic Violence Focus Population Youth
Focus Population--LGBT
Point in Time Unsheltered Count
If chosen, I accept and will fulfill the responsibilities of being a Governance Advisory
Board Member. Responsibilities include: participation in quarterly Governance Advisory
Board meetings, be knowledgeable about the Balance of State Continuum of Care’s Purpose
and Operations, and accept other responsibilities defined in the AZ Balance of State
Continuum of Care Governance Charter which is found at this link.