The Adult Resource Center
Special Populations Grant Application
Summer 2020
Drop off application to:
Gannon Building:
Starzone Center for Student Support
Mail application to:
ARC - 1130
Lansing Community College
P.O. Box 40010
Lansing, MI 48901-7210
For more information:
Call 517-483-1199
The Special Populations Grant is a resource that can help students pay for attendance costs.
You must be pursuing or will pursue an occupational program to qualify.
I have submitted the 2019-2020 FAFSA application and received an answer.
I have completed the
Skills Assessment (reading and writing) in the LCC Assessment Center.
If considered eligible:
I understand that I must complete a C
areer Assessment with the Adult Resource Center, and/or a C
areer Advising Appointment.
I understand that I must complete a Course Approval Appointment with the Adult Resource Center.
Name: Student Number:
Curriculum/Program of Study: Preferred Phone: Date of Birth:
Which of the descriptions
below fit you? You may check more than one.
Single Parent and/or Single Pre
gnant Woman: An individual who is unmarried or separated from a spouse, AND has sole or joint
custody of a minor child/children, AND/OR expecting the birth of a child.
Non-Traditional Career Trainee: An individual enrolled in an occupational program that has traditionally been underrepresented by
his/her gender.
Individual with Limited English Proficiency: An individual who has limited ability in spe
aking, reading, writing, or understanding the
English language AND whose native language is not English.
Individual with a Disability: An individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or
more major life
Economically Disadvantaged: An individual f
rom economically disadvantaged families, including foster children. This individual must
be one or more of the following: Pell Grant or other need-based financial assistance recipients.
Homeless Individuals: Homeless means lacking fixe
d, regular and adequate housing. You may be homeless if you are living in shelters,
parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, or temporarily living with other people because
you have no place else to go. Also, if you are living in any of these situations and fleeing an abusive parent you may be considered
homeless even if your parent would otherwise provide a place to live.
Youth In or Aged Out of Foster Care System: This includes but is not limited to: Placements in foster care homes, foster homes of
elatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and preadoptive homes r
Out of workforce individual (Formerly Displaced Homemaker): An individual who is under-employed or unemployed and is
experiencing dif
ficulty in obtaining employment or upgrading employment, AND/OR (1) Has worked primarily without remuneration
to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; AND/OR (2) Has been dependent upon the
income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; AND/OR (3) Is a parent whose youngest dependent
child will become ineligible to receive assistance under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not lat
than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this Title.
Job Title: Employer: Salary: (Weekl
y? Yearly?)
Starting and ending date: