Serving communities of suburban Hennepin and Carver counties
Thank you for your expressed interest in serving on the Hennepin Carver Workforce Development Board (HC
WDB). We value your interest and expressed commitment to workforce development within our service area.
Please complete the following information as it relates to the business you represent.
Applicant Information
Applicant Name:
Applicant Email Address:
Applicant Position Title:
HC WDB Term of
Business Category
Which in-demand industry sector does your business represent?
Business Services Construction Healthcare IT Manufacturing
Public Sector Other (please explain): _________________________________________
Do you have substantial management, hiring or policy authority?
Yes No
Does your business provide employment opportunities in Hennepin County (excluding the City of Minneapolis,
which is governed by its own Workforce Development Board) and/or Carver County?
Yes No
Do you have employees working within Suburban Hennepin or Carver Counties?
Yes No
Are you applying to represent small business as defined by the Small Business Association, 50 employees or
Yes No
Serving communities of suburban Hennepin and Carver counties
Please identify who recommends/nominates you to serve on this board as a business representative:
Business representatives are appointed from among individuals who are nominated by local business
organizations and business trade associations.
Overview & Definitions
Governance of the Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board
Chief local elected officials are required by law to establish a formal nomination and appointment process,
consistent with the criteria established by the Governor and State WDB under sec. 107(b)(1) of WIOA. For
Workforce Development Area (WDA) 9 of Suburban Hennepin & Carver Counties. For WDA 9, the chief local
elected official is the Hennepin County board, and by extension, the chair of the board.
Business Seats
A majority of the members of the Local WDB must be representatives of
business in the local area. At a minimum, two members must represent small
business as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration
Essential Requirements
Each Business representative must
1. Be an owner, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, or other individual with optimum policy-
making or hiring authority; and
2. Provide employment opportunities in in-demand industry sectors or occupations, as those terms are
defined in WIOA sec. 3(23)
3. Have employees in WDA 9
4. Work in WDA 9
Describe your experience relating to the position:
Serving communities of suburban Hennepin and Carver counties
Collectively, business seats must:
1. Make up at least 50 percent of the board
2. Represent at least two small businesses
3. Have voting privilege
Definition of Key Terms:
1. Small business: 50 employees or less.
2. Employee: W2 as opposed to a 1099
Thank you again for your time and consideration. If you have any further questions please contact Nola Speiser at 612-
382-2884 or via email at nola.speiser@hennepin.us
WIOA Section 107(b)(2)(A) and Minn. Statute § 116L.666, Subd. 3
Minnesota Statutes 645.445