Thank you for supporting our students!
Your tax-deductible gifts to the GCC Foundation benefit our students through
scholarships, emergency funds, program development, and
campus facility improvements.
☐ $50 ☐ $100 ☐ $250 ☐ $500 ☐ Other $_____________
Designation (please select):
☐ Area of Greatest Need ☐ Student Success Initiatives
☐ Cultural Enrichment ☐ Innovation Grants
☐ Student Emergency Assistance (SEA) Fund
☐Athletics ☐Campus Improvements
☐ Scholarship Fund
If a specific scholarship, please list: ________________________________________________________
☐Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Name: List my name in the Annual Report as: ____________________________________________
☐ I prefer to be anonymous and not listed in the Annual Report.
Address: _______________________________________City, ST, Zip: ________________________________
Telephone: _____________________ email: (optional)_________________________________________
If this gift is a tribute gift:
This gift is:
In honor of
____________________ OR
In memory of
Tribute Notification: Please notify the following person of my gift.
Address:________________________________________City, ST, Zip: ______________________________
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions.
☐ My (or my spouse’s) company will match my gift.
Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.