Texas Southern University
Office of Event Services
Request for Internal and External Use of Facilities
Special Provisions
External Event : Any event not constituting an official activity at Texas Southern University. Please note that any official Uni-
versity activity takes scheduling precedence over any External Event. A requestor for an External Event must submit a facility/
space application to the University no later than 45 days before the External Event’s proposed date. Your request will go under
review by the University’s Event Committee for approval. Requestor will be notified no later than 30 days before the event wheth-
er the application for space has been approved. The University has no duty to approve any application that does not meet the Uni-
versity’s criteria.
The University reserves a right at any time :
Upon proper notification, to cancel any scheduled event; or
To require a NONREFUNDABLE AND NON -TRANSFERABLE deposit payment in advance
Internal Requestor: Any University academic or administrative department, or any registered University
student organization. A requestor for an Internal Event must submit a facility/ space application to the University no later than 72
hours before the Internal Event’s proposed date. Each Internal Requestor is responsible for all cost of applicable personnel or
equipment for an event, if incurred beyond the normal scope of work or extends beyond normal administrative business hours.
Before incurring any cost applicable an Internal Requestor must have obtained a University- issued purchase order or Inter Depart-
mental Order for no less than the full amount due for said event. For student organizations a money order or cashiers check must
be presented.
The University reserves a right at any time :
Upon proper notification, to cancel any scheduled event; or
All payments must be made 4 business days or 96hrs prior to event to avoid cancelation.
Signature of Responsible Party Date Signature of Faculty / Staff / Advisor
Print Name Title Print Name Title
Name of Organization: _________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________
Contact Person: ______________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________
Event / Facility / Space Requested
Events Name: ________________________________ Requested Venue: ___________ Room: _________ Est. Attendance: ______
Event Date: _______________________________________ Multiple Dates: ____________________________________________
Event Time: ________________________ Setup Time: _______________________ Event End Time: ________________________
Equipment Request (Check all that Apply)
Screen: LCD Projector: PA System: Microphone: Podium: Stage: Stage Size: _________
Event Setup (Indicate Number & Configuration)
72” Round Table: ______ 60” Round Table: ______ Cocktail Tables: ______ 8’ Table: ______ 6’ Table: ______ Chairs: ______
Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
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