Texas Medicaid and Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Services Program
Non-emergency Ambulance Prior Authorization Request
Condition Affecting Transport (Check Each Applicable Condition)
Physical or mental condition affecting transport:
Client requires monitoring by trained staff because:
□ Oxygen (portable O2 does not apply) □ Airway □ Suction □ Hyperbaric Therapy
□ Comatose □ Cardiac □ Life Support □ Behavioral
How does the client transfer? □ Assisted □ Unassisted
Is the client bed-confined (i.e., unable to sit in a chair, stand and ambulate)? □ Yes □ No
If “No,” please indicate the following:
Does the client use an assistive walking device? □ Yes □ No
Is the client able to stand? □ Yes □ No
The client is able to sit in which of the following for the duration of the transport:
□ Chair □ Wheelchair □ Geri-Chair □ Cardiac Chair If able to sit up, for how long: ____________
Does the client pose immediate danger to self or others? □ Yes □ No If “Yes,” describe circumstances below:
In addition to ambulance standards, does the client require additional physical restraint? □ Yes □ No
If “Yes,” select the type: □ Wrist □ Vest □ Straps □ Other (describe): ___________________________________
□ Extra Attendant must be certified by DSHS to provide emergency medical services (reason):
□ Continuous IV therapy or enteral/parenteral feedings* □ Advanced decubitus ulcers*
□ Chemical sedation* □ Contractures limiting mobility*
□ Decreased level of consciousness* □ Must remain immobile (i.e., fracture, etc.)*
□ Isolation precautions (VRE, MRSA, etc.)* □ Decreased sitting tolerance time or balance*
□ Wound precautions* □ Active seizures*
* Provide additional detail (i.e., type of seizure or IV therapy, body part affected, supports needed, or time period for the
condition) or provide detail of the client’s other conditions requiring transport by ambulance:
I certify that the information supplied in this document constitutes true, accurate, and complete information and is
supported in the medical record of the patient. I understand that the information I am supplying will be utilized to
determine approval of services resulting in payment of state and federal funds. I understand that falsifying entries,
concealment of a material fact, or pertinent omissions may constitute fraud and may be prosecuted under applicable federal
and/or state law which can result in fines or imprisonment, in addition to recoupment of funds paid and administrative
sanctions authorized by law.
Printed Name:
Title: □ Physician □ Advanced Practice RN □ Physician’s Assistant □ RN □ Discharge Planner
Provider Identifier (Medicaid/CSHCN TPI or NPI):
Signature: Date Signed:
Submit completed form by fax to: 682-885-8402
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