Not Used
Testing Center
Test Control Form
The Testing Center administers tests for the following instructional areas and course formats:
Approved Instructional Areas Approved Course Formats (all instructional areas)
Developmental Studies Allied Health eLearning (Online/Hybrid)
Sciences and Math Weekend
This Test Control Form MUST be submitted in person to the Testing Center - No Email Submissions Allowed
Instructor Name Office Phone
Course (ex. BIO 1010) Other Phone
Test Format Paper-Based Blackboard EducoSoft MyMathLab Other
Password (Case-sensitive - 6 character minimum - 12 maximum)
Test Name, Number or Chapter(s) Start Date
(Not Today)
Closing Date Number of
of copies
Only 1 test per form - multiple sections OK - list (up to 6) sections in the boxes below
Section(s) (i.e. LD01)
Print TWO copies of this form. Submit both copies and a copy of the Academic Integrity Affirmation (with course
info filled out) for each student (25 students = 25 copies) to be tested.
So That We May Better Serve You, Observe the Following Rules
A copy of the Academic Integrity Affirmation (with course
info filled out) must be submitted for every student (25
students = 25 copies) to be tested. Sole Exception: DVM
worksheets incorporate this information into the worksheet.
Notes and/or Scratch Paper are NOT permitted.
Open-book examinations are NOT permitted.
No Final Examinations are permitted except for eLearning
and Weekend course formats. All other Finals are to be
conducted during the assigned times in the classroom.
All Online Tests (Blackboard, Course Compass, EducoSoft)
must have either paper back-up tests OR reliable contact
phone numbers (good on Weekdays, Evenings, & Saturdays).
Testing periods cannot end (close) on either Friday or
Saturday, except for eLearning and Weekend course formats.
The Closing Date is the last date students can take the test.
Testing allowed until the close of business on the Closing Date.
Tests cannot be picked up until the next business day after
the Closing Date.
Tests must be delivered to the SAS Testing Center no later
than the day BEFORE testing is scheduled to begin.
Please deliver a sufficient number of test copies to
accommodate the number of students in your section(s).
Any exception to these rules must be pre-approved by the
Director or Supervisor of Student Assessment Services
Faculty are encouraged to submit multiple forms (versions) of any test available to students for more than two days.
DATE RECEIVED: ___________________ TIME RECEIVED: _____________________ INITIALS_____________
DATE RETURNED: ___________________ TIME RETURNED: _____________________ INITIALS_____________