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Student Name Student ID
Department of Supportive Programs and Services (DSPS)
2300 East Gibson Road, Building 700, Room 764, Woodland, CA 95776
Phone: (530) 661-5797 Fax: (530) 661-5788 Email: wccdsps@yccd.edu
Test Proctoring Procedures and Rules
Test proctoring services are available for students who have received approved testing accommodations through their AAP.
DSPS must follow the instructor’s directions as indicated on the student’s test proctoring form for each course.
Requesting and Scheduling Testing Accommodations
Each semester, it is the student’s responsibility to pick up, complete, and return the “Request for Test Proctoring Services” forms
provided by the DSPS department.
1. Each course requires a separate form and serves as the proctoring “instructions” for exams.
2. Accommodations will only be implemented after the student submits the completed form with both the student’s and
instructor’s signatures.
3. The DSPS department recommends that students who wish to utilize approved testing accommodations complete and
submit these forms as soon as possible at the beginning of each semester.
Exam Dates and Times
Students are required to take exams during the time the class is scheduled. If there is a scheduling conflict, the course instructor
may allow a time or date change by providing written approval to DSPS. Written approval must be received by DSPS at least 3
days prior to the scheduled exam date.
Exam Scheduling Procedures
1. Exams can not be administered on a “walk-in” basis. Arrangements must be made ahead of time. Scheduling sheets to
schedule exam appointments are available in the DSPS office.
2. Students must make a testing appointment for DSPS to proctor an exam at least 3 business days before the date of the
3. Students who require test proctoring after 5:00PM, must make a testing appointment with DSPS at least 5 business days
before the date of the exam. Extra time is needed to ensure that DSPS staff is available to proctor beyond the normal
department hours.
4. Students who require a scribe or a test in an alternate formal (such as Braille) must submit the request to DSPS at least 7
business days before the date of the exam.
5. If an instructor changes his/her exam directions, or agrees to allow more time than indicated on the original “Request for
Test Proctoring Services Form”, the instructor must notify DSPS in writing prior to the test.
On Test Day
1. Students must come to the testing appointments with all necessary supplies (e.g. scantron, pen, pencil, blue book).
2. Students must arrive on time for testing appointments. Any time missed after the scheduled exam time will be
3. Students must double check their exam to ensure it is the correct test.
4. Students are encouraged to review the exam at the beginning of the testing sessions to check for errors or any issues that
may need clarification from the instructor. The DSPS proctor can attempt to contact the instructor for clarification.
5. If student misses their scheduled exam, the student is required to get written permission from the instructor to retake it on
another day.
DSPS Proctored Testing Room Rules
1. No cell phones of other personal technology devices are allowed within the testing room.
2. No purses, backpacks, drinks, or food is allowed in the testing room.
3. All personal items brought to testing must be secured in the DSPS storage locker.
4. No talking or disrupting behavior is allowed within the testing room.
5. Staff may enter the testing room at any time while proctored exams are in session.
6. The testing center is monitored at all times by video recording.
If a student with an approved break accommodation requests a break during the exam, DSPS staff must be notified, and the exam
given to DSPS staff while the student is on break. For a student with this accommodation, the break time will not be counted
toward total testing time. If a student does not have a break accommodation and requires a break (such as using the restroom
during the exam), the same procedure must be followed, but time on break, away from the test, will be counted toward total testing
time. No student may use any cell phone or leave the building during the exam process, even while on break.
Academic Dishonesty
1. If any evidence of academic dishonesty (cheating) or use of cell phones, etc. is discovered, the test will be terminated
immediately and all testing materials will be confiscated.
2. The course instructor, DSPS Coordinator, and Vice President of the WCC will be notified immediately.
3. Academic and administrative consequences of academic dishonesty are specified within the “Academic Regulations and
Information” section of the WCC Catalog. These consequences will be addressed by WCC administration.
Suspension of Testing Services
Testing services may be suspended if:
the student fails to schedule and complete DSPS proctored exams according to the DSPS policies and procedures.
the student misses scheduled testing appointments without proactively notifying DSPS staff.
the student fails to follow the DSPS Proctored Test Proctoring Rules.
If services are suspended, the student must meet and receive approval from the DSPS Coordinator, before testing services can
be reinstated to resume.
I have read and understand this contract, and I agree to abide by these policies and procedures.
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Student Signature Date
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