Terms and Conditions
Key terms
The University of Bedfordshire will provide advice and support to all alumni chapters, publicise the
chapter on its website and, where appropriate, hold training and guidance sessions, either by
telephone conference, or in person.
The alumni chapter agrees to publicise the name of its main contact person who will lead the
chapter. This will normally be the Chair. The chapter must provide contact details to the University
of Bedfordshire Alumni Relations Manager and notify them immediately of any changes.
The alumni chapter agrees that it will comply with the branding requirements for publicity
material and the use of the University of Bedfordshire name and logo in line with the guidance set
out below.
Roles and Responsibilities of an Alumni Chapter
To ensure that alumni chapters are able to offer appropriate support to the University and its
alumni, we would expect each chapter to fulfil the following main roles and responsibilities:
a) Organise regular events and initiatives with the aim of providing opportunities for alumni to
continue their education; offer their skills, expertise and networks to other alumni or the
wider community; and to network with one another. Ideally, a chapter will organise a
minimum of two events each year.
b) Send details of upcoming events at least four weeks in advance to be published on the Alumni
Relations website. DARO will provide you with a template to report back to us about this.
c) Actively encourage all local or networked alumni to join the Alumni Chapter.
d) Fully comply with the University of Bedfordshire branding guidelines and all other
relevant guidance and legislation including the Data Protection Act and the Equalities Act.
e) Ensure that appropriate insurance is in place, if required, to cover the alumni chapter’s
activities and assets and to cover members of the organising committee against personal
liability relating to negligence.
f) It is acceptable for alumni to communicate with chapter members in their primary language
but key communications must also be available in English.
g) Share attendance data with the University of Bedfordshire Alumni Relations Manager
after each event. As a minimum this should include the names and contact details of all
those attending an event.
h) Encourage alumni to maintain up to date records about their circumstances via the University
of Bedfordshire alumni database. Chapters will be asked to invite all alumni attending
events to provide their contact details, and this information will be shared with the Alumni
Relations Manager. Chapters will be provided with a statement highlighting how data will be
i) Officers of the chapter or its members shall not enter into agreements or arrangements with
third parties that use the name of, or suggest and association with, the University of
Bedfordshire, without prior express permission of the Alumni Relations Manager.
Roles and Responsibilities of the University of Bedfordshire towards Alumni Chapters
To ensure that alumni chapters are able to fulfil their role, the University of Bedfordshire Alumni
Relations Manager will offer the following support and assistance: