3. Gallery Walls & Hanging
The Exhibitor is responsible for establishing a time to meet with the Gallery Coordinator to review the gallery wall
layout at least 15 days before the Wall Installation date. Exhibitor and the Coordinator shall cooperate to develop
a layout for the works. Once agreement is reached, Coordinator will work with SLCC Facilities Staff to install the
layout. The layout may be changed in the discretion of Salt Lake Community College if necessary.
Artworks are required to have a wire backing due to the hanging systems in place. Only the Coordinator and
SLCC Staff shall hang all works in the Eccles Gallery, Exhibitor may be present to observe during hanging.
4. Security
The Gallery and Curved LED Wall have no special security aside from the College’s usual security of video
cameras in the area. Arrangements for additional security may be made by way of amendment to this
Agreement at Exhibitor’s cost.
Additional Security (see attached for details)
5. Opening Hours
The exhibiting spaces shall be open to the public during the operating hours of the College, Monday – Friday,
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. unless otherwise agreed.
Other, ___________________________________________________________________________
6. Opening Reception & Exhibition
The Exhibitor is responsible for all event logistics and expenses as listed in the Exhibit Guidelines.
7. Use of Artworks by SLCC
Artist owns all copyright and other intellectual property rights in Artworks but agrees to grant SLCC an
irrevocable, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to display and exhibit the Artworks; to advertise,
publicize and to document the Exhibition including through the reproduction of Artworks by photography, filming
or other means both before and after the Exhibition dates; to webstream the Exhibition; and to use the Artworks,
reproductions, photos or film for educational purposes. The license includes using any submitted images of the
Artworks and the Artist’s name and other biographical information in conjunction with the foregoing.