Revised: 11/30/2018
Employee Name: Off-boarding Checklist
Complete now
Forward Resignation letter to HR
Yes No N/A
Confirm final work date for permanent assignment
Will the individual be rehired as a permanent or temporary
If yes, in what capacity:
Work date range:
Yes No
permanent or temporary
from: to:
Date network access should be removed:
Is employee transferring to another South Carolina state
If yes, which one
Yes No
Complete and submit final timesheet/leave report as soon
as possible
Is the employee a supervisor?
Who will handle interim supervisory tasks?
Time and leave approval:
Performance evaluations:
PAF system role:
Budget role:
Yes No
Schedule meeting with Benefits Administrator (call 323-2273)
Complete prior to end of employment:
Return Keys/Access card
Return Procurement card to Purchasing
Return Computer, phone, or other electronics issued (Supervisor will receive a call from the IT helpdesk)
Set up “out of office” email autoreply
Change voicemail message
Confirm employee’s permanent address and phone number are correct in Wingspan (can be
updated on the Personal Information page) for future correspondence.
Clear any balances with Cashier’s office (parking/tickets/fees)
Save copies of W-2/1095-C forms, emailed Check stubs (Wingspan - Employee Detail page)
Complete Leave Donation Form (optional) Program Instructions
Retirees may obtain Winthrop Retiree ID card (Notify IT helpdesk)