Veteran’s Office Use Only: TSASTSF Coded ___ Certifying Official Initials _______ Date: __________
Student Name: ____________________________________________ T#: ____________ Term/Year: _________
(Last) (First) (MI)
Do you have at least 4 months of VA educational benefits? Yes ____ No ____ Registered Hours __________
Educational Benefit Program for which you are eligible:
___ Chapter 33 ___ Chapter 30 ___ Chapter 1606 ___ Chapter 35 ___ Chapter 31 ___ TN Strong
Program Purpose: The purpose of the Veteran/Certain Veteran’s Dependent Tuition and Fees Deferment Program, as authorized under
state law, is to permit eligible students additional time to remit tuition and fee payments from anticipated and qualifying educational benefits for
veterans. Terms of use apply and may be found in the statute.
By submitting this form, I agree with all terms and conditions listed below:
I am a student with adequate remaining entitlement and an expiration (delimiting) date within the current term (or after) to
an educational benefit program of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA);
I understand that this deferment does not pay my tuition and fees, but it allows me an extension of time to the last day of
the semester to pay tuition and fees;
I have formally requested an enrollment certification through the Registrar’s Office and expect to receive benefit payments
for the current semester;
I understand that I must make my request for a deferment of tuition and fees immediately following my enrollment
I understand that if I do not receive the educational benefits, I am still required to pay all tuition and fees to Tennessee
Technological University (TTU);
I understand that the tuition and fees being deferred are subject to the university’s late fee and refund policies and that
withdrawal on or after the first day of classes does not eliminate this obligation;
I understand that this deferment will apply to room and board payments for 30 days only from the first day of class.
I understand that all academic records and enrollment registration will be encumbered if all financial obligations to the
university are not settled in a timely manner;
I understand that my eligibility for tuition and fee deferments under TCA § 49-7-104 may terminate if I do not follow the
applicable rules and regulations or otherwise fail to act in good faith with timely and reasonable payment(s) of tuition and
I hereby request Veterans Tuition and Fees Payment Deferment and certify the information provided herein is true and
correct to the best of my knowledge. I will make payments to the Bursar as benefits are received, and I understand that
tuition and fees must be paid in full by the last day of the semester. I understand that if I do not comply with the statutory
guidelines that I will forfeit future deferment entitlement.
Student Signature*: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________
*Signature not required if submitted from TTU Student email.
Office of Military and Veterans Affairs | Tennessee Tech University | Room 304B
Student Veteran/Certain Veteran’s Dependent Tuition & Fee Payment Deferment Request