Revised 11/2017
Report of Incomplete Grade in an Undergraduate Level
Course (To be completed and filed by the Instructor)
Identify requirements to be met for grade to be awarded and to remove “I” grade:
Student’s Name
Student’s Signature Date
Instructor’s Name
Instructor’s Signature Date
Department Chair Name
Department Chair Signature Date
An incomplete, or grade of “I,” is assigned when a student’s performance has been satisfactory, but for reasons
beyond the student’s control, he/she has not been able to complete the course requirements during the course
term. The student will complete the requirements to remove the “I” grade by the date agreed above. However,
the time duration agreed upon will not exceed one calendar year or until the time of graduation, whichever comes
first. During this time period the “I” grade will be excluded from the calculation of the student’s QPA. If the “I” is
not removed within the required time limit, it remains on the student’s record permanently and is treated as an
“F” in calculating the student’s QPA.
Copies of this completed form should be sent to the departmental office and the Dean’s office at the time
of recording the “I” grade. The student should also be provided a copy.
Reasons (beyone the student's control) for awarding Incomplete "I" grade:
Student’s Name
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