7. Reclassification to Full Standing, (if
applicable): Date__________
1. Deadline: No later than the end of the semester in which you will
complete 15 semester credits in the Ph.D. program.
1. Required TTU form: Application for Reclassification to Full
2. Note: If you were admitted to the program in Provisional
Standing, the conditions which must be satisfied before
reclassification to Full Standing were listed on the
Certificate of Admission.
8. Environmental Science Seminar/Chemistry Concentration:
1. EVS 7910 should be completed the semester before the
Comprehensive Exam for Chemistry Concentration students.
2. This seminar will be given to the faculty and students of the
Environmental Sciences Ph.D. program and any other faculty
who may wish to attend. The seminar may cover any topic in
Environmental Chemistry but may not include research outlined
in the student's Research Plan.
3. A 50-minute seminar should be prepared. This seminar should
be scheduled with the Department of Chemistry Seminar
Chairman the semester you plan to take this course.
4. Chemistry Concentration students are required to give a second
50-minute seminar - their defense seminar - during the
semester they plan to graduate. This seminar should also be
scheduled with the Chemistry Department Seminar Chairman
and will include representative data from their dissertation.
9. Environmental Science / Biology Concentration:
1. EVS 7910 should be taken the semester you plan to graduate.
2. The requirement of EVS 7910 is met by formal presentation of
your research dissertation and should be scheduled with your
mentor and/or the Biology Department Seminar Chairman,
whichever is applicable.
10. Comprehensive Exam:
1. Successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination must
be achieved in a timely fashion.
2. Divisional requirements of the Comprehensive Examination must
be met within a year following the completion of 80% of the
course work in the student's Program of Study, including
successful completion of all core courses.
3. It shall be the student's responsibility, in consultation with
his/her research advisor, to schedule this examination at a date
agreeable to the whole examining committee. The committee