The employee is responsible for providing space, telephone, printing, networking and/or internet capabilities at
the telecommute location, and shall not be reimbursed by the employer for these or related expenses. Internet
access must be via DSL, cable modem, or an equivalent bandwidth network.
The employee agrees to protect College-owned equipment, records, and materials from unauthorized or
accidental access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure.
The employee understands that all equipment, records, and materials provided by the College shall remain the
property of the College.
No Protected Health Information or otherwise confidential information should be kept on personal electronic
The employee must follow all other software licensing and copyright laws, as well as all precautions and
All job responsibilities and conditions of employment apply as if the employee were working at the primary
The employee will comply with all College rules, policies, and procedures that would be in effect if the employee
were working at the primary worksite. The employee must notify the supervisor immediately of any situation
that interferes with his/her ability to perform the job.
Failure to follow policies, procedures, and practices may result in the termination of the arrangement and/or
disciplinary action.
The employee must remain accessible by phone and electronically during the telecommute work schedule.
The employee is responsible for establishing effective communication with the supervisor, co-workers,
customers, etc.
The employee agrees to maintain an adequate, safe, and secure work environment and to report work-related
injuries to employee’s supervisor and Human Resources staff at the earliest reasonable opportunity. In addition,
the employee agrees to hold the College harmless for injury to others at the remote work site.
Work developed or produced during the telecommuting arrangement remains the property of Lee College.
This Telecommuting Agreement may be terminated by the College at any time for any reason. If the supervisor deems
the temporary telecommuting arrangement is not working effectively or as envisioned, management may at any time
adjust or end the agreement. Although efforts may be made to provide a reasonable notice of termination, there may
be instances when notice is not possible. This agreement does not alter the at-will nature of employment.
By signing this agreement, I state that I have read, understand, and agree to the telecommuting provisions set forth in
this agreement.